Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing Do not go gentle into that good night and When I consider how
Comparing Dylan doubting Thomass numbers Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night and stern Miltons poem When I consider How My Light Is SpentDylan Thomass poem Do not go gentle into that good night and John Miltons poem When I consider how my light is spent were written during times of trouble in their respective poets life. Thomas was faced with losing his father to death Milton was dealing with becoming alone blind at the age of forty-three. As each poet struggles to deal with the crisis occurring in his life, he makes a state ment about the relationship between mankind and deity, the reasons that divinity fudge gives and then takes away received gifts, and the proper way to live life. Thomas and Milton ended up with contrasting answers to these fundamental questions about life. The poets use of personal events in their lives as a topic and their use of the personal pronouns I and my resolve possible questions of voice in both poems. Because Thomas refers directly to my father (line 6) and Milton opens his poem with the line When I consider how my light is spent (1), the reader can, with some basic knowledge of the history of each poem, reasonably assume that the poet and the speaker argon interchangeable. Both Thomas and Milton chose to share their private thoughts on intensely personal matters with the world through their poems. By d painfuling from their own experiences, the poets give these works a tone that resonates with the reader because he/she can connect the words of the poem with his/her own life. Thomas and Milton present contrasting views of the relationship between mankind and God or the inevitable events of life. Thomas sees humans as having some degree of control his father may not be able to live forever, bu... ...erent men at very different points in history, but both poets were struggling with difficult situations and trying to decide how they should react. Although their final conclusions are completely opposite , the raw emotion beh ind each poem resonates with the reader whether the poem is 45 or 345 years old. The human struggle to understand life, regret, and why God gives and withholds certain gifts will continue as long as humanity exists each person who considers these questions will come to his/her own personal conclusions just as Thomas and Milton did. Works CitedMilton, John. When I Consider How My Light Is Spent. The Longman Anthology of British Literature Compact Edition. Ed. David Damrosch. New York Longman, 2000.Thomas, Dylan. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. Literature and Ourselves. Addison-Wesley educational Publishers, 1997.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Justice As Desert: Is There Any Such Thing? :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Justice As Desert Is There Any Such Thing?ABSTRACT Philosopher Matthew Lipman, in Social Inquiry, orders that in that location are instances in which what unitary deserves may be undertake fairly readily. A sick child deserves medicine, a hungry child deserves food, children deserve an education... This seems to imply that these are cases in which what genius deserves is clear-cut, and only when the cases become more(prenominal) complicated does it become progressively more difficult to determine desert. I would submit that these cases are not most so cut-and-dry, in terms of find out desert, as one might imagine. Is it really correct to say that a sick child deserves medicine? Who is to say? Who is to be the ultimate arbiter? Is there some sort of authority or power (higher or otherwise) who is looked to in order to make such a determination (or who is looked to in order to discharge making such an assertion in the first place)? Is desert to be determined based on need? On abundance of what is deserved? On legal entitlements? This paper will address just such questions. Philosopher Matthew Lipman, in Social Inquiry, says that there are instances in which what one deserves may be specified fairly readily. A sick child deserves medicine, a hungry child deserves food, children deserve an education.... (1) This seems to imply that these are cases in which what one deserves is clear-cut, and only when the cases become more complicated does it become progressively more difficult to determine desert. (2) I would reply not so fast. These aforementioned cases, I submit, are not nearly so cut-and-dried, in terms of determining desert, as one might imagine. Is it really correct to say that a sick child deserves medicine? Who is to say? Who is to be the ultimate arbiter? Is there some sort of authority or power (higher or otherwise) who is looked to in order to make such a determination (or who is looked to in order to justify making such an assertion in the firs t place)? Certainly, a sick child usually needs indisputable medication in order to get better. Moreover, in a society in which such medication is plentiful, legislators may be prompted to enact a police force that stipulates that all sick children are entitled legally to such medication.But do they deserve such medication, just because they need it or the medication is bulky or they are legally entitled to it?
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Natural Born Japanese Killers :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Natural Born Japanese KillersAmericans and Japanese are both fond of pointing out the disparity in crime rates. To many Japanese, America is seen as an outlaw nation, bristling with guns. And for many Americans, the juxtaposition of Japans often ultra-violent entertainment with their low crime rate is fascinating. Japanese push down culture and crime statistics are often cited to defend American entertainment when it is accused of inspiring violence. But for anyone paying attention, startling crimes have a charge of popping up in Japan unexpectedly. There were the Otaku Murders of 1988 and 1989, where Tsutomo Miyazaki kidnapped and killed four girls of around five years of age, reenacting gruesome scenes from his hentai collection. The serin gas attack in 1995 is another noted incident in the analogs of Japanese crime history. Perpetrated by the Aum Shinrikyo cult, almost a dozen quite a little were killed during the terrorist attack.I asked a Japanese friend of mine once, atom ic number 18 there gangs in Japan? Ive since learned that Japan has a long history of gangs, including everything from high school motorcycle gangs to the Yakuza, but he shook his head. He said there were no gangs, but in Japan sometimes kids just go crazy. He told me the story of a boy who would kill people on the street, discretely, and then hide in an alley to watch the ensuing action. He was eventually caught with the murder weapon near one of his crime scenes. This was several(prenominal) years ago, and I wrote the story off as an urban legend.Recently, however, there have been several articles published about teenage boys committing gory crimes in Japan. oer the last year there have been multiple incidents. A 65-year old woman in Aichi prefecture was murdered on May 1, 2000. On May 3, a boy in Saga prefecture hijacked a bus with a knife. He held a six-year-old girl hostage, killed one woman, and wounded five others. There have been more crimes, including knivings in peoples ho mes, baseball bat bludgeonings and matricide, budgeonings with hammers, and, just two weeks ago, a 15-year-old boy on Kyushu crept into a house during the night and attacked a family. All six family members were attacked, and three died.Incidents such as these have been reported in many newspapers and online news sites, but I take the examples above from two articles on the subject. Tim Larimer, a correspondent for m wrote Natural-Born
Tragedy and the Common Man - Miller Redefines the Tragic Hero :: Tragedy and the Common Man Essays
catastrophe and the Common cosmos - Arthur Miller redefines the Tragic Hero Arthur Miller states in his essay, Tragedy and the Common Man, . . . we are frequently held to be below tragedy--or tragedy below us . . . (tragedy is) check out only for the highly placed . . . and where this admission is not make in so many an(prenominal) words it is most often implied. However, Miller believes . . . the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were (1021). It is this tactile sensation that occasions Miller to use a common man, Willie Loman, as the subject of his tragedy, Death of a Salesman. Miller redefines the tragic hero to fit a more red-brick age, and the product of this redefinition is Willie. Miller states, . . . the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a grammatical case who is ready to lay deck his life . . . to secure one thing, his sense of personal dignity (1021). Willie is no exception. Will ies sense of personal dignity is primarily nominate in his family, most notably his son Biff. Willie transfers his dreams of being great onto Biff and, when Biff is a failure in the world, these dreams affect Willies self-image and sense of personal dignity. To regain this personal dignity, Willie must convey Biff great. In the end, it is the love for his son and the belief that his insurance money will make Biff magnificent that let up him the needed excuse and cause him to end his life. Tragedy, then, is the consequence of a mans total compulsion to evaluate himself justly (1021). It is the nature of man to make evaluations of himself based upon his associates. Willies peer with whom he evaluates himself is Charley. Willie and Charley are somewhat the same age, their children grew up together, and have been friends for many years. Charley has achieved what Willie has dreamed of for so long. Charleys son is a sure-fire lawyer, whereas Biff is a loafer. Charley is successful in business, whereas Willie has washed out. As mentioned before, for Willie to be great, Biff must be great. Willie has failed his job in making Biff better than Charleys son, therefore he fails his evaluations of himself. The blurTragedy and the Common Man - Miller Redefines the Tragic Hero Tragedy and the Common Man Essays Tragedy and the Common Man - Arthur Miller redefines the Tragic Hero Arthur Miller states in his essay, Tragedy and the Common Man, . . . we are often held to be below tragedy--or tragedy below us . . . (tragedy is) fit only for the highly placed . . . and where this admission is not made in so many words it is most often implied. However, Miller believes . . . the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were (1021). It is this belief that causes Miller to use a common man, Willie Loman, as the subject of his tragedy, Death of a Salesman. Miller redefines the tragic hero to fit a more modern age, and the pr oduct of this redefinition is Willie. Miller states, . . . the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life . . . to secure one thing, his sense of personal dignity (1021). Willie is no exception. Willies sense of personal dignity is primarily found in his family, most notably his son Biff. Willie transfers his dreams of being great onto Biff and, when Biff is a failure in the world, these dreams affect Willies self-image and sense of personal dignity. To regain this personal dignity, Willie must make Biff great. In the end, it is the love for his son and the belief that his insurance money will make Biff magnificent that give him the needed excuse and cause him to end his life. Tragedy, then, is the consequence of a mans total compulsion to evaluate himself justly (1021). It is the nature of man to make evaluations of himself based upon his peers. Willies peer with whom he evaluates himself is Charley. Willie and Charl ey are about the same age, their children grew up together, and have been friends for many years. Charley has achieved what Willie has dreamed of for so long. Charleys son is a successful lawyer, whereas Biff is a loafer. Charley is successful in business, whereas Willie has washed out. As mentioned before, for Willie to be great, Biff must be great. Willie has failed his job in making Biff better than Charleys son, therefore he fails his evaluations of himself. The flaw
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Jacksonian Democrats stood up for the view they had of themselves in their attempts to preserve the United States Constitution by furthering the progress in political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of sparing opportunity. President Jackson and his certain ideals captured the minds of many people which resulted in many votes towards him. Some would even characterize Jackson as a hero, having defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans and climbing his way up to wealth from poverty the American Dream. Andrew Jackson was a strict constitutional constructionist, he felt it was his duty to guard what he believed to be the constitutions spirit, this is carried out when he handles South Carolinas Nullification Crisis. Jackson makes a hard statement by passing the 1833 Force Bill, that the position of stern C. Calhoun and also his home state (South Carolina) are unconstitutional. It is also made clear by Jackson that he, as president, is prepared to back up his ideals, even with force, if necessary. By his handling of The 1832-1841 Bank War, Jackson further advanced his demanding constructionist position. Looking in Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, authority to create a national bank given to congress is nowhere to be found. Jackson effectively takes aside what he had viewed as a monopoly of the foreign and domestic exchange that had not been compatible with justice, with sound policy, or with the Constitution of our country. (Document B)Jacksons stance on the Bank of the United States also provides an explanation of his commitment to political democracy. Though made by Clay and Webster to publicly place Jackson in an awkward position, the 1832 Bank recharter backfired on the opponent, Whigs... ...n the opinion of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, Jacksons Supreme Court appointee, in the Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge case. While John Marshall (enemy of Jackson) had made a passage for competition in Gibbons v. Ogden, Taney pointed ou t in a Jacksonian Democratic type fashion, that charters must be translated strictly. at that place is no exclusive privilege given to them over the waters of Charles River.(Document H) By this, it is obvious that there is commitment to equality of economic opportunity. Andrew Jackson was a precise powerful man, many years of American invoice carries his name. Despite the negative comments and names that opponents had given him, President Jackson has left an inerasable mark in history as a true guardian of the United States Constitution, preserving political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity.
Essay --
Jacksonian Democrats stood up for the view they had of themselves in their attempts to preserve the united States Constitution by furthering the progress in political democracy, singular liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. President Jackson and his certain ideals captured the minds of some(prenominal) people which resulted in many votes towards him. Some would even characterize Jackson as a hero, having defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans and climbing his way up to wealth from poverty the American Dream. Andrew Jackson was a strict constitutional constructionist, he felt it was his duty to guard what he believed to be the constitutions spirit, this is carried expose when he handles South Carolinas Nullification Crisis. Jackson makes a strong statement by passing the 1833 Force Bill, that the position of tin C. Calhoun and also his home state (South Carolina) are unconstitutional. It is also made clear by Jackson that he, as president, is prepared to back up his ideals, even with force, if necessary. By his handling of The 1832-1841 Bank War, Jackson further advanced his demanding constructionist position. Looking in Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, authority to create a discipline bank given to congress is nowhere to be found. Jackson effectively takes apart what he had viewed as a monopoly of the foreign and domestic exchange that had not been compatible with justice, with sound policy, or with the Constitution of our country. (Document B)Jacksons stance on the Bank of the United States also provides an explanation of his commitment to political democracy. though made by Clay and Webster to publicly place Jackson in an awkward position, the 1832 Bank recharter backfired on the opponent, Whigs... ...n the opinion of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, Jacksons Supreme Court appointee, in the Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge case. While John Marshall (enemy of Jackson) had made a passage for competition in Gibbons v. Ogden , Taney pointed out in a Jacksonian Democratic type fashion, that charters must be translated strictly. There is no exclusive privilege given to them over the waters of Charles River.(Document H) By this, it is obvious that there is commitment to equality of economic opportunity. Andrew Jackson was a very powerful man, many years of American history carries his name. Despite the damaging comments and names that opponents had given him, President Jackson has left an inerasable mark in history as a true guardian of the United States Constitution, preserving political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Reason of Ball Mill’s Uneven Discharging
For ore dressing process, crunch is a continuation of the ore crushing process, and is a final finishing before ore sorting. Grinding the corporal evenly or not seriously affects the production efficiency of ball mill. Uneven ball mills discharging may be caused by the following dickens aspects Firstly, the feeding grinding materials cause the uneven discharging. When water into the grinding material is high, it may cause the ball mill grinding full phenomenon.If the water into the grinding material is too much, you peck reduce the feed rate of ball mill, dry grinding materials, strengthening ventilation in ball mill, and join the right smart such as grinding material processing. Secondly, the high temperature of the inside of ball mill causes a bag. If grinding temperature is too high, we should control the grinding material temperature, the water spray in mill, and increase the grinding body drench water, strengthen the inside ventilation, join the grinding material, and redu ce the ratio of feeding.The two phenomena can make the grinding ability declined dramatically. In the usual operation,we will strictly control the water into the grinding material and the temperature of the ball mill. Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co. , Ltd. specializes in the production of ore ball mill. The midheaven axis uses the steel casting, the inside lining is detachable, rotates the big wheel to use the casting to roll the tooth processing, tube in vivo besets with by the wear-resisting backing, has the good resistor to wear.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Organising Learning Essay
Furthermore, another area of concern for me is managing conduct in the classroom. In my opinion, managing demeanour is a start upnership between the teacher and the children. The teacher must be the authority figure in the classroom. I feel this is achieved once trust and pry is formed. Once routine is learned and the children know what is expected from them, a lot of pressure is taken off the teacher. In school, the children were constantly encouraged to put their hold up. If they called out the teacher would respond quickly and ask them to put their hand up. Therefore, I have found that unwanted behaviour should either be disregard or dealt with rapidly to reduce further problems. It is they teachers responsibility to decide how to handle a situation. The school has a behaviour policy which the whole school follows.I feel this is a valu commensurate document and offers guidelines to handling challenging behaviour. The teacher uses smiley or sad faces on the board as a manageme nt strategy. In my whole school experience only saw three sad faces which was amazing. The Overall behaviour of the children was very good as the teacher used praise, smiley faces, hale done points and stickers on a regular basis to encourage good behaviour. The children thought very highly of the teacher and tried hard to please her. I tried to use the teachers classroom management strategies as the children were familiar with them and the children responded to the in a positive wing the very lucky teaching the class as they showed a genuine interest in my lesson and behaved extremely well for me.I feel this was because I tried to make it interesting. I tried to pitch the lesson to their level so they could relate it to their experiences. Meeting the needs of individual children is a constant challenge. Some children may need individual help all the time and in that respect are well-nigh children who have special educational needs. Therefore, there needs must be planned for and a lot of praise and encouragement is require to reward their progress, so they dont feel excluded from the rest of the class. I believe this is extremely all-important(prenominal) an effective teacher must be able to meet the individual needs of every child in the classroom.At university I particularly enjoy science and English lectures. The tutors are friendly and accessible which I feel is because they make sure we all understand the lesson. They quickly recognise if any students are struggling with their work and offer different rules of learning. I feel comfortable participating in these lessons as I feel quite confident in the subject. These tutors also give us the opportunity to hash out our thoughts and ideas with each other which I also think is an effective method of learning.I have also found that assessment is a vital part of teaching and this is an area of concern for me. It is especially vital to assess children at the end of each key stage to provide an individual report they hatful take with them, which highlight their strengths and attainable growth points. Although a teacher will know what level their pupils are at, it is now important to have evidence to rear their judgmentsDuring my school placement I observed the teacher assessing the children on a regular basis. Questioning the children is an effective method to establish what level the children are at, this is ended in an informal manner and the children are not pressured.The teacher built on the results of the assessment during teaching and addressed any misconceptions which the children may have. Another method of testing was seen at the end of each topic, the children answered questions on a worksheet which provided physical evidence to support the teachers judgment. Sometimes check-lists can be used for smaller groups during some activities which have been planned for assessment.I observed year one and year three and upper key stage two. I saw the same behaviour management in all the classes. category six children were given more responsibility over their time management and behaviour as the expectations were shared with them from the beginning. Year six did not sit on the carpet, all teaching took place at their tables. It helped to see how the children progress and the NNS and NLS is a valuable document which tells teachers how to develop the childrens learning.I am concerned about becoming an effective teacher, and it is vital that all teachers should recognize their strengths and weaknesses. They should reflect on previous lessons and be able to roach targets. I feel that teaching is an occupation where the teachers are also learning alongside the children. Sometimes lessons may not go as well as we anticipate or sometimes they may be better than previously thought. All this should be recorded by evaluating our progress after each twenty-four hour period and building on our professional development. It is crucial to act upon areas which need impro vement.In conclusion, I have highlighted my concerns of becoming an effective teacher. I have included possible ways to improve areas such as classroom management and behaviour. I have also included my school observations for examples of the teacher giving and receiving respect from the children. I have also included forms of assessment and self reflection which are crucial aspects of teaching. In my opinion, teaching is not simply a career, it becomes part of your life. A creative and stimulating teacher would gain great personal satisfaction from this profession and my school placement has confirmed my desires of becoming an effective classroom teacher. It is important for a teacher to be happy, organised and enthusiastic in school, knowing that they are making a difference to a childs future.BibliographyCollis, M. Lacey, P. (1996), interactional Approaches To Teaching, London, David Fulton.Dean, J. (2001), Organising Learning in the Primary Classroom, Third Edition, London, Rout ledgeFalmer.Edwards, D. Mercer, N. (1987), Common Knowledge, London, Methuen
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Design of Industrial Robots
AbstractionToday, industrial living dead is employ in assorted intents such as welding, picture, preference and topographical point, production review, and proving. Because of its popular, industrial zombi spirit has become interesting field, many companies, research centres and scientists sp stop over much of money, clip to better features of industrial zombi spirit. Simulation is a fundamental competency for both robot makers, users and scientists to better zombie spirit public presentation, safety and cut down automaton cost, power, clip.In this thesis, brief kinematics, kineticss and control theory argon mentioned equations from these theories ar utilize for R-R and R-R-R slattern, so these consequences are compared with simulation consequences to verify simulation consequences. In add-on, a simple existent theoretical account is built with 2 dynamixel servo motors the existent theoretical account can make simple work such as traveling point to indicate, following c onsecutive line.The simulations of automaton operator are performed by Recurdyn-Colink and Recurdyn-Matlab/Simulink. Forward and reverse kinematics are used to simulation automaton operator to execute progress trajectory way, the consequences from these simulations are used in kineticss subdivision. PD feedforward control excessively is indicated, the control system based on independent articulation control, which frequently is known as single-input/ single-output system. These consequences from simulation are tantamount with theory. These consequences overly provide a mint of usable information for a batch of intents such as layout rating to avoid obstruction, optimisation flight way, kinematics, kineticss study.Keywords automaton operator, kinematics, kineticss, feedforward control.1IntroductionMotivation and history of industrial automatonToday, we can run into industrial automaton in many mills in the universe. Applications of industrial automatons include welding, picture, choice and topographic point ( packing or SMT line ) , production review, and proving. Harmonizing to the International Federation of Robotics ( IFR ) , by the terminal of 2011, there were at least 1,153,000 operational industrial automatons. And IFR estimated the world-wide gross revenues of industrial automatons about US $ 8.5 billion. If cost of parcel, peripherals and systems technology are included, the industrial automaton market was estimated US $ 25.5 billion in 2011. Therefore, industrial automaton has been become an interesting field. Along with development of industrial automaton, simulation and theoretical account of industrial automatons are of import. They can supply a batch of utile information for many intents such as layout rating, kinematic, active survey, off-line scheduling to avoid obstruction in the undertaking infinite and design mechanical building of automatons.The history of industrial automaton has associated with the development of computing machine a ided design ( CAD ) and computing machine aided fabrication ( CAM ) systems. In 1954, George Devol applied for the first robotics patents ( granted in 1961 ) . In 1956, Devol and Joseph F. Engelberger formed the worlds foremost robot party was Unimation which was based on Devols original patents and Engelberger has been c altogethered as the male parent of robotics. Unimation has been built with hydraulic actuators and programmed in joint co-ordinates. The run of each articulation was stored during a teaching stage and replayed in operation.In the 70s the automaton industry increased really rapidly because of the tremendous investings by the automotive industry. In Europe, ABB Robotics and KUKA Robotics brought automatons to the market in 1973. ABB Robotics introduced IRB 6, it was become the first commercially operator which controlled all electric by micro-processor in the universe. The first two IRB 6 automatons were installed in production for crunching and smoothing pipe deco mpression sicknesss in 1974. In 1973 KUKA Robotics built its first automaton, FAMULUS, besides one of the first articulated automatons have driven six electromechanically axes. In US, many US companies entered the field, including elephantine companies such as General galvanising, and General Motors ( a joint venture formed by General Motors and FANUC LTD of Japan called FANUC Robotics ) . Other companies besides started robotics concern such as Automatix and Adept Technology, Inc. In 1984, Unimation was acquired by Westinghouse Electric Corporation for 107 million U.S. dollars. After that Westinghouse sold Unimation to Staubli Faverges SCA of France in 1988, which is still doing articulated automatons for general industrial and cleanroom applications and even bought the robotic division of Bosch in late 2004.Hardware and SoftwareDuring this thesis, three bundle ( RecurDyn, SolidWorks, Matlab ) have been used to work out this thesis assignment. Dynamixel servo motor besides was us ed for experimental intents.RecurDyn V8R2RecurDyn is demonstrable by FunctionBay, Inc. which is a professional CAE company and provides Multi automobile trunk Dynamics ( MBD ) . RecurADyn is a modern CAE encase suite which offers the alone combination of Multibody Dynamics, Finite Element Analysis and Controls.Dynamic Rigid and Flexible Body Analysis to the full integrated additive and nonlinear Finite Element Analysis supply item information of realistic theoretical accounts for design surveies and bettering mathematical product public presentation. By utilizing FE mesh, RecurDyn can imitate overall gesture every bit good as local distortions, strains and emphasiss.RecurDyn CoLink, an incorporate signal give ear oriented control design wight. It provides off-line simulation of mechatronic systems, traveling far beyond the classical Co-Simulation attack. If a elaborate Recurdyn multi flexible organic structure dynamic works theoretical account is used, the user can cut down the figure of cringles during the practical accountant parametric quantity optimisation procedure. In add-on, RecurDyn besides can link with Matlab/Simulink which has a batch of closing libraries, plan linguistic communication tool, etc. for dynamic system.Last but non least, RecurDyn has supported a batch of CAD package which are used as the Parasolid Kernel plan.SolidWorksSolidWorks is really popular 3D mechanical computing machine aided design package which runs on Microsoft Windows. It is established by Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corp. It used Parasolid Kernel attack to make theoretical accounts and assemblies. Presently, over 2 million applied scientists and interior decorator workout SolidWorks at more than 165000 companies in whole universe.MatlabMATLAB is a numerical computer science environment and fourth-generation scheduling linguistic communication including C, C++ , Java, and FORTRAN. Established and developed by MathWorks, MATLAB is good known for matrix uses, plottin g of maps and informations, creative activity of user interfaces, and interfacing with plans written in other linguistic communications.In add-on, Simulink is an add-on merchandise with block libraries, informations flow graphical plan linguistic communication tool for mold, simulation, and analysing multi-domain dynamic and embedded systems.DynamixelDYNAMIXEL is a consecutive high public presentation networked actuators for automatons developed by ROBOTIS. DYNAMIXEL can be used for multi-joint robot systems such as robotic weaponries, robotic manus, bi-pedal automaton, hexapod automaton, snake automaton, kinematic art, animatronics and mechanization, etc DYNAMIXEL can be controlled utilizing Personal computer through USB2Dynamixel by many package such as Matlab, python, Microsoft Visual Studio ( C++ , C ) , Visual Basic, Java, LabVIEW, occultation, ROS ( TTL/RS485/RS232 communicating ) . DYNAMIXEL besides can be controlled utilizing sole accountant such as CM-5 ( ATMega128 ) , CM- 700 ( ATMega2561 ) , CM-510 ( ATMega2561 ) , CM-530 ( ARM Cortex M3 ) .Fig1. Dynamixel servo motorOutlinepartChapter 2. Background theory2.1 Positions, Orientations, and Frames2.1.1 PositionIn a co-ordinate system, any point can place with a 31 place vector in the foundation. The place of point P in co-ordinate system is ordered establish of three Numberss.Fig2. Vector relative to brim A 2.1.2 Orientation2.1.2 FramesIn robotics, the state of affairs of a place and an orientation brace arises so frequently is called a frame, which is a set of four vectors including one vector describes place and 3 vectors describe orientation.The base frame, B The base frame has place at the base of the automaton operator. It is appended to a unmoving portion of the automaton and frequently called link 0.Fig3. The criterion frameThe station frame, S The station frame has location in a task-relevant, in the figure above, it is at the corner of a tabular array which the automaton is to work, and all motions of the operator are implemented comparative to it. Sometimes, it is besides called as the existence frame, universe frame or the undertaking frame.The carpus frame, W The carpus frame W is fastened to the last nexus of the operator. W frequently has its opening fixed at a point called the carpus of the operator, and W will travel with the last nexus of the operator.The tool frame, T The tool frame T is appended to the terminal of any tool the automaton happens to be keeping. T is normally located with its beginning between the fingertips of the automaton when the manus is empty.The end frame, G The end frame has location to which the automaton is to travel the tool. At the terminal of the gesture, the tool frame should be brought to happenstance with the end frame.Chapter 3Operator KinematicssKinematicss is the scientific champaign of gesture including the place, the speed, the acceleration, and all higher order derived functions of the place variables. T his chapter has 4th subdivisions the Denavit-Hartenberg ( D-H ) parametric quantities, the forward kinematics, the opposite kinematics, the Jacobian.3.1 Denavit-HartenbergAny robot operator can be depict kinematically by the values of four measures for each nexus. Two describe the nexus itself, and two describe the links connexion to a adjacent nexus. The interpretation of mechanisms by 4th measures is a convention normally called the Denavit-Hartenberg notation.Fig4. Description of D-H parametric quantitiesaI= the distance from ZIto Zi+1measured along TenI= the angle from ZIto Zi+1measured about TenIvitamin DI= the distance from Teni-1to XImeasured along ZI= the angle from Teni-1to XImeasured about ZI3.2 Forward KinematicssForward kinematics is used to calculate the place and orientation of the tool frame from joint parametric quantities.The transmutation from frame one to border i-1 ( 3.1 )The nexus transmutations is multiplied together to happen the individual transmutation that relates frame N to border 0 ( 3.2 )3.2.1 R-R operator forward kinematicsLengths of two links are L1 and L2.Fig5. R-R nexus frame assignmentLinkIaIvitamin DII1000120Liter102Table1. D-H parametric quantities of R-R operatorComputational transmutation matrices of each nexus( 3.3 )( 3.4 )Therefore,( 3.5 )3.2.2 R-R-R operator forward kinematicsFig6. R-R-R operator parametric quantitiesI1002-9000304-900Table2. D-H parametric quantities of R-R operator shifting matrix for each nexus( 3.6 )( 3.7 )( 3.8 )( 3.9 )( 3.10 )The transmutation matrixis gained by matrix generation of the single nexus matrices. At first,is gained by multiplyingand=( 3.11 )=( 3.12 )Finally==( 3.13 )Here,( 3.14 )( 3.15 )( 3.16 )The matrixestablishes the kinematics of R-R-R automaton operator it expresses the human relationship between frame 4 and frame 0 about place and orientation.3.3 Inverse KinematicssInverse kinematics is survey of happening the needed articulation angles to put the tool frame, T , comparative to the station frame, S . The reverse kinematics job is well harder than the forward kinematics job. Unlike forward kinematics which ever exist solution, solution for reverse kinematics whitethorn non be. The being of a solution defines the workspace of a operator. If the exist solution, there can even be an infinite figure of solutions, for instant elbow up and elbow down solutions.3.3.1 Using for R-RTransformation from frame 2 to border 0 is mentioned by forward kinematics.In frame 2 , the co-ordinate of point P is L20 0 1 . In the frame 0 , the co-ordinate of point P is ten Y0 1 . Therefore( 3.17 )( 3.18 )Square booth equations so add them( 3.19 )( 3.20 )( 3.21 )( 3.22 )Writingten, Yin the variety( 3.23 )( 3.24 )Where( 3.25 )( 3.26 )If( 3.27 )And( 3.28 )Then( 3.29 )( 3.30 )Equation ( 3.23 ) and ( 3.24 ) can be written as( 3.31 )( 3.32 )So( 3.33 )( 3.34 )Therefore,( 3.35 )Finally, equation for?1( 3.36 )See equation ( 3.22 ) , minus or plus sign-language (prenominal) corresponds positions of R-R operator. In this state of affairs, elbow up and elbow down are mentioned.Fig7. Two positions of R-R operator3.3.1 Using for R-R-RFrom forward kinematics of R-R-R operatorSo,( 3.37 )From equation ( 3.6 ) , Inverting matrix( 3.38 ) refilling in ( 3.37 )( 3.39 )So,( 3.40 )See about trigonometric permutations( 3.41 )( 3.42 )Where( 3.43 )( 3.44 )Using ( 3.41 ) and ( 3.42 ) , equation ( 3.40 ) can be written as( 3.45 )( 3.46 )( 3.47 )So( 3.48 )( 3.49 )Finally, the solution for( 3.50 )See elements ( 1,4 ) and ( 3,4 ) of the matrix in the right-hand of equation ( 3.39 )( 3.51 )( 3.52 )Square both ( 3.51 ) and ( 3.52 ) so add the resulting equations( 3.53 )( 3.54 )Or( 3.55 )Where( 3.56 )Equation ( 3.55 ) is of the same signifier as ( 3.40 ) so can be puzzle out by the same method. Therefore, solution foris( 3.57 )So find solution for, consider( 3.58 )( 3.59 )Comparing both the ( 1,4 ) and ( 2,4 ) elements of matrix in right-hand of ( 3.59 )( 3.60 ) ( 3.61 )These equations can be solve at the same time forand( 3.62 )( 3.63 )From equation ( 3.62 ) and ( 3.63 ) ,( 3.64 )Because, therefore the concluding solution foris( 3.65 )The subtraction or plus mark in ( 3.50 ) and ( 3.57 ) do four possible position of operator.Fig8. Fourth positions of R-R-R operator3.4 JacobiansRelationship between the joint speed and the Cartesian speed is determined JacobianWhereVis a speed vector in Cartesian and ? is the vector of joint angles, J ( ? ) is Jacobian. The Jacobian has figure of rows is peers the figure of grade of freedom in the Cartesian infinite, and figure of columns is equal the figure of joint. For case, a general automaton with six articulations, The Jacobian is matrix of 66,is 61, and Cartesian speedVis 6x1with 31 additive speed vector and 31 rotational speed vector. modelling for R-R operator theoretical accountThe Jacobian can be written a 22 matrix which relates joint speed to end-effector speed. The location of point P ( end-e ffector ) is (ten, Y) so, from equation ( 3.17 ) and ( 3.18 )( 3.66 )Derivative ( 3.66 )( 3.67 )Or( 3.68 )So, the Jacobian in frame 0 is( 3.69 )Other progress of Jacobian is invertible. From ( 3.70 ) , joint rate can be calculated with a true speed vector in Cartesian co-ordinate. Note that most operators will hold values of ? where the Jacobian turns into singular.( 3.70 )Chapter 4 Manipulator DynamicsIn this chapter, equations of gesture for operator with torsions applied by actuators or external forces applied to the operator are mentioned.Chpater 5 Trajectory and ControlMentions 1 John J. Craig, 2005, Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control, 3rded. , Pearson Education, Inc. 2 Ahmed A. Shabana, 2005, Dynamics of Multibody Systems, 3rded. , Cambridge University Press. 3 Reza N. Jazar, 2010, Theory of Applied Robotics Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control, 2neodymiumed. , Springer. 4 RECURDYN, 2012, RecurDyn/ Solver Theoretical Manual, 8Thursdayed. , FunctionBay, Inc. 5 Frank L.Lewis, Darren M.Dawson, Chaouki T.Abdallah, 2004, Robot Manipulator Control Theory and Practice, 2neodymiumed. , Marcel Dekker, Inc. 6 Wikipedia
Friday, May 24, 2019
Supplier and Partnering Processes Essay
For many businesses, goods and services provided by providers or partners account for a significant portion of the hail and value of the final product. Suppliers include non only companies that provide materials and components, but also distributors, transportation companies, and cultivation, healthcare, and education providers. Key suppliers might provide unique design, technology, integration, or marketing capabilities that are not available within the business, and therefore can be critical to achieving such strategical objectives as lower approachs, faster time-to-market, and improve graphic symbol.Organizational partners might include educational institutions that collaborate on research and training. (Conversely, a friendship might be viewed as a partner for an educational institution.) Increasingly, suppliers are viewed as partners with customers, because there usually is a co-dependent relationship. A powerful example of supplier partnerships is the response that occ urred when a fire destroyed the main ascendent of a crucial $5 brake valve for Toyota.1 Without it, Toyota had to shut down its 20 plants in Japan. Within hours of the disaster, other suppliers began taking blueprints, improvising tooling systems, and mickleting up makeshift output lines. Within days, the 36 suppliers, aided by more than 150 other subcontractors, had almost 50 production lines making small batches of the valve. Even a sewing-machine company that had never made car parts spent 500 person-hours refitting a milling machine to make just 40 valves a day. Toyota promised the suppliers a tribute of about $100 million as a token of our appreciation.Strong customer/supplier relationships are based on three guiding principles 1.Recognizing the strategic importance of suppliers in accomplishing business objectives, particularly minimizing the total cost of ownership, 2.Developing win-win relationships through long-term partnerships rather than as adversaries, and 3.Establi shing trust through openness and honesty, thus hint to mutual advantages. One example of these principles is the Baldwin Piano & Organ Company, which set up a 10-year agreement with Southland Marketing Inc. for piano eggshells to gethigher quality, more consistent supply, and lower cost.2 Baldwin helped finance the purchase of the equipment needed to finish the plates.The contract is expected to save Baldwin 10 percent a year on its plate costs. Successful suppliers have a culture where employees and managers share in customers goals, commitments, and risks to promote such long-term relationships (recall one of Demings 14 Points about supplier relationshipsnot purchasing solely on the basis of price). In many companies, suppliers are treated as if they were actually a part of the transcription. For example, functions such as cafeteria service, mailroom operations, and information changeing are being performed by suppliers at their customers facilities. As more and more of this type of outsourcing is done, the lines between the customer and the supplier become increasingly blurred. many another(prenominal) companies segment suppliers into categories based on their importance to the business and manage them accordingly. For example, at Corning, Level 1 suppliers, who provide raw materials, cases, and hardware, are deemed critical to business conquest and are managed by teams that include representatives from engineering, materials control, purchasing, and the supplier company. Level 2 suppliers provide specialty materials, equipment, and services, and are managed by internal customers. Level 3 suppliers provide commodity items and are centrally managed by purchasing.3 Measurement plays an important role in supplier management. Texas Instruments measures suppliers quality performance by parts per million defective, percentage of on-time deliveries, and cost of ownership.4 An electronic requisitioning system permits a paperless procurement process.More than 800 suppliers are linked to Texas Instruments through an information exchange system. Integrated data systems track the incoming quality and timeliness of deliveries as materials are true. Analytical reports and on-line data are used to identify material defect trends. Performance reports are sent individually month to key suppliers. Joint customer-supplier teams are formed to communicate and improve performance. A supplier management task force of top managers directs current and strategic approaches to improving supplier management practices.Finally, communication, feedback, and recognition or awards are important practices in supplier and partnering processes. For instance, the Fastener Supply Corporation, which distributes fasteners, electronic hardware, and other products to over ccc customers makes frequent contact with its 250 suppliers, invites them to company functions and shares such information as customers forecasted requirements.5 Feedback should provide timely and a ctionable information to suppliers to lead to improvement and ensure that suppliers meet the organizations performance requirements. At Fastener, any potential performance problems are brought to attention with prompt notice and immediate feedback. An annual award dinner recognizes salient suppliers for quality and continuous improvement.Many companies such as Bethlehem Steel, Miller Brewing, and Honda, make a bespeak of delivering supplier awards not only to upper management at a fancy banquet, but also to the workers on the shop floor. Its one subject for the boss to say that quality is important, but another thing entirely for the customer to come out and say it, says Jerry Schiedt, corporate purchasing director for Miller Brewing Company in Milwaukee. When we actually visit a plant to present an award to the folks who made the award possible, then we build a relationship with the company and the folks on the floor who do the work to ensure the quality of the products we buy.6S upplier CertificationMany companies use some type of supplier franchise systems as the focal point of their supplier management system. These systems rate and certify suppliers who provide quality materials in a cost-effective and timely manner. For example, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association defines a certified supplier as one that, after extensive investigation, is found to supply material of such quality that routine testing on each lot received is unnecessary. Certification provides recognition for high-quality suppliers, which motivates them to improve continuously and attract more business.The details of supplier certificate processes vary by company. For instance, Florida Power and Light has a three-tier certification program.7 Vendors (another term for suppliers) can be certified as a Quality Vendor, Certified Vendor, and Excellent Vendor. To become a Quality Vendor, asuppliers products or services must meet basic requirements of quality, cost, delivery, and safe ty. In addition, the supplier must have a quality improvement process in channelize and be able to demonstrate that this has achieved significant improvements. It must also have an audit system to certify the process and the results. To become a Certified Vendor, the supplier must have demonstrated the use of statistical process control and prove that its processes can meet FPLs specification requirements. It must also be able to document capability and have a plan for continuous quality improvement. To achieve Excellent Vendor status, suppliers must demonstrate the ability to expire FPLs specification requirements, employ reliability assurance techniques, and show that quality improvement is a central part of their management system.At the Gillette Company, the supplier certification program begins with Gillette identifying those suppliers with a proven ability to meet its specifications.8 Once a supplier is selected to participate, Gillette expects them to establish a pre-produc tion planning system to assess the capability of their process to meet Gillettes specifications. Feedback is offered in the form of recommended changes that will improve quality, reduce cost, or facilitate ease of manufacture.Supplier certification programs can be time-consuming and expensive to administer. One approach to avoiding unnecessary audit costs and helping to assure buyers that specified practices are being followed is to create a uniform set of standardsan independent and transportable supplier qualification system, such as ISO 9000.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Syllabus: Rational Number and Gwalior Glory High
Write laws of powers & exponents (along with one ensample) in an AY Size sheet. Puzzle solving based on Rational Nose. Science l- Explore your refrigerator or storage cupboard and list 8-10 food items that are preserved using preservatives. Find out about the mode of action of each preservative place down the data in a given tabular format. Al- Product Name Method of packaging Expiry date Method of (sealed bag, bottle, can, carton etc. ) (best before) saving You can take help from pig. 18 of your science book. Or To make a wind chem.. (Hint Use 4-6 pieces of hollow metal tubes of different lengths paint them in different colors.Hang them on a cardboard so that they swing and strike each other) Social Studies l- Collect pictures of some resources you use in your house and classroom and make a collage in your copy with the pictures. Al- Write the Preamble of the Indian Constitution in your copy. Ill- Visit a museum and find out the heterogeneous sources of information of modern h istory. Paste the pictures and label them in your copy. Computer Prepare a file or a chart explaining the types of networks.Write laws of exponents along with one example on AY Size Sheet. Q. 2 Solve the puzzle based on rational numerals. Read the given clues Smallest set of make senses which is closed under subtraction. A number of the form p where p, q are integers and q 0 q 7 A number divisible by Related to an operation on rational number which gives same result even when the number change places. Opposite of the word negative Additive identity for rational numbers A prime number which is sum of an even number and a prime number.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
“Amotivational Syndromeâ€Â
Jesse Love Amotivational Syndrome and Marijuana use An Ongoing Debate November 30, 2008 The positive or negative effects of marihuana usage are a common point of discussion among psychologists. One of the more common debates surrounds Amotivational Syndrome (i. e. the purported lack of motivation that results from hemp use). The existence or non-existence of this syndrome has been discussed for over a century among twain users and non-users alike (Duncan, 1987, p. 114).The two articles chosen for this essay attempt to make up ones mind whether amotivational syndrome is a by-product of marijuana use by applying two separate methods of analysis. By analyzing these articles it impart be clear that there is no decisive evidence that suggests a direct correlation between amotivational syndrome and marijuana use. In 1987, David F. Duncan sought to critique forward studies of marijuana use that claimed amotivational syndrome was a prevalent phenomenon among acute marijuana users.He a imed to challenge previous studies that assumed, in their conclusions, that users of marijuana possessed characteristics of introversion, passivity, and lack of achievement-orientation (Duncan, 1987, p. 114). In his introduction, Duncan introduced extend-cultural examples where marijuana use is actually utilise as a stimulant for instance in Jamaica, where he compares marijuana use to North American coffee economic pulmonary tuberculosis (Duncan, 1987, p. 115). Duncan concludes that only by conducting a comparative study, i. . by taking a sample of battlefields who are some(prenominal) users and non-users, could real evidence for marijuana-related antimotivational syndrome be line upd (Duncan, 1987, p. 115). Duncan pointed to the flaws a study conducted by Halikas et al. In 1982. Halikas wanted to determine the lifetime prevalence of amotivational syndrome in lifetime users of marijuana. To do so, he posed a single apparent motion meant to encompass the criterion of amotivat ional syndrome.The question encompassed elements such as Have you ever had a period when you werent depressed or unhappy, but you just seemed to withdraw your motivation although you werent in particular upset by that feeling? (Duncan, 1987, p. 116). Duncan argued that Halikas et al. s study, in particular, was a failure because it failed to offer a comparison between users and non-users. Therefore, Duncan used the same questionnaire and applied it to a series of high-achieving subjects to determine the frequency of amotivational syndrome within a larger population of both users and non-users.Duncan selected two hundred thirty-eight acrobatic students (some former Olympians) from a European university. All subjects were required to speak English and came from various parts of the world. He began by requesting all subjects to fill out a questionnaire regarding past marijuana consumption. The subjects were subsequently divided into three groups 1) those who had never used marijuana , 2) those who used marijuana daily for a thirty day period in their life and, 3) those who used marijuana but could not fill the requirements for group 2 (Duncan, 1987, p. 17). The results of this initial questionnaire indicated that 47. 7% had never used marijuana, 23. 8% were occasional/ observational users and 24. 1% had been daily users. These three groups also responded to the questionnaire borrowed from Halikas et al. It was determined that there was no significant variation in the frequency of amotivational syndrome among marijuana users (Duncan, 1987, p. 117). These results only serve to peril the initial findings of Halikas et al. and other psychologists who had followed similar methods of analysis.Indeed, Duncan made this explicit in the conclusion of his report. It is clear from Duncans work that a new methodology is required to determine whether amotivational syndrome is more prevalent among marijuana users. The limitations of this research are therefore quite clear. F uture studies will require both long and short analysis of both users and non-users. Also, a controlled definition of motivation will be required to determine what a lack thereof implies. To make improvements one would therefore need to turn over access, as Duncan had, to a large body of subjects. It would then e necessary to track these subjects, both users and non-users alike, over a sustained period of time to determine whether or not the likelihood of amotivational syndrome is more common among users or non-users, if there is in fact a difference at all. Duncan ultimately argued that he was hush prepared to relegate the antimotivational syndrome to the growing scrap heap of discarded marijuana myths (Duncan, 1987, p. 118). In 2002, Cherek et al. conducted a much more dynamic study of amotivational syndrome, following a number of the suggestions offered years earlier by Duncan.They offered a vague definition of amotivational syndrome as a set of characteristics including gener al apathyloss of productivitylethargy (and) imprint among others (Cherek, Lane and Dougherty, 2002, p. 26). Despite these agreed upon attributes of amotivational syndrome, Cherek et al. also found it difficult to pinpoint the amotivational phenomenon. They recalled some of the studies referred to by Duncan that found a positive correlation between marijuana usage and amotivational syndrome.By recognizing that amotivational syndrome occurred among users and non-users alike, the researchers cogitate that amotivational syndrome was ultimately a question of frequency. Cherek et al. also sought to arrive at a conclusive definition of motivation, both theoretically and methodologically. To cross this hurdle, Cherek et al. opted to follow a behavioral approach in conjunction with a progressive ratio schedule (PR) and a fixed-time schedule (FT). In this way, they could define and quantity motivation by measuring changes in PR responding across changes in reinforcer magnitude (Cherek et a l. , 2002, p. 27).Monetary reward would be used as an operational financial backing and data would be based on subject response rates. The first experiment involved five males who were occasional marijuana users. It was used to confirm the initial proposed operational definition of motivational behavior which meant that there was a direct ratio between the response time and the motivation (Cherek et al. , 2002, pp. 27-28). The results proved that their initial suppositions were level and that the changes in response rate and ratios were consistent with the operational method established from the outset of the experiment (Cherek et al. 2002, p. 30). The following two experiments used a different subject base but retained the same reinforcer values. The researchers controlled the THC supply, dividing it into three strains of potency. They argued that a decrease in PR response following acute marijuana administration while the keeping the reinforcer at a constant level would indicate decreased levels of motivation (Cherek et al. , 2002, p. 30). The results of Experiment 2 Phase 1 indicated that acute marijuana consumption did alter behavior. However, the results were not dose dependent.Experiment 2 Phase 2 showed that the marijuana-induced decreases in responding can be overcome by change magnitude the reinforcer (Cherek et. al, 2002, p. 35). This meant that although it was clear that there were overt behavioral differences between marijuana induced subjects and the placebo subjects, these differences could be overcome by offering a motivational stimulus. The researchers concluded that acute marijuana users do exhibit some forms of amotivational behavior. This behavior could be usurped if there was an increase in the reinforcement.They pointed out that other studies had achieved results that disconfirmed this conclusion. However, those studies did not offer the availability of at least one alternative response for the subjects. 1 Cherek et al. suggested that one could construe their study as an indication that marijuana does induce amotivational behavior. Still, this is not entirely conclusive because the study solely examined the effects of short-term acute marijuana use. Most of the controversy surrounding marijuana use generally questions whether long-term use, rather than short-term use, effects amotivational behavior. 2 The fact that only short-term marijuana use was studied here is its greatest limitation. It was also limited because of the small number of subjects and the environment in which they were tested (a small room). These articles are particularly interesting for me because I am an occasional marijuana user and have always been concerned about how I will be affected in the long-term. I tend to agree with various elements from both studies. I am convinced, like Duncan that many myths concerning marijuana consumption have circulated for political reasons rather than because of empirical data.I also believe that amotivation al syndrome is common among both users and non-users alike. Whether or not users are more disposed to this phenomenon is still up for debate. Cherek et al. s study was also intriguing because it demonstrated that amotivational syndrome (whether induced by marijuana or not) could be overcome by increasing the reinforcement. This makes a parcel of sense in my world-view, as quite often the individuals I have known will become motivated only if they believe they will make reasonable rewards. If the rewards are not worth the effort, amotivational syndrome may set it.These studies have demonstrated that there is still much more research to be conducted on the effects of marijuana consumption both in the short- term and the long-term. It appears as if there is more speculation regarding marijuana than there is empirical evidence. The topic of amotivational syndrome is particularly troublesome because of the tricky nature of defining motivation. This problem is compounded when conducting a controlled study because there is very little motivation, nor may it be possible, for the participants to behave in a controlled environment as they would in the real world.References Cherek, Don R. , Lane, Scott D. and Dougherty, Donald M (2002). Possible Antimotivational Effects Following Marijuana Smoking Under Laboratory Conditions. data-based and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 10(1), 26-38. Duncan, David F. (1987). Lifetime Prevalence of Antimotivational Syndrome Among Users and Non-Users of Hashish. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 1(2), 114-119. 1 Cherek et al. , 35. 2 Cherek et al. , 36.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 2. LONG NIGHT
I head for the hills you already.I dont need to leave. I can stay___Mmm.It was quiet for a long moment, just the beat of my heart hammering, the broken rhythm of our ragged breathing, and the whisper of our lips moving in synchronization.Sometimes it was so flourishing to forget that I was kissing a vampire. Not because he catch up withmed ordinary or hu macrocosm I could neer for a second forget that I was holding virtu completelyy whizz more angel than man in my arms just because he made it seem like nothing at either to flummox his lips against my lips, my face, my throat. He claimed he was long past the temptation my blood used to be for him, that the belief of losing me had cured him of any desire for it. But I knew the smell of my blood unsounded caused him pain still flame uped his throat like he was inhaling flames.I opened my look and found his open, too, staring at my face. It made no sense when he looked at me that way. Like I was the prize rather than th e abominably lucky winner.Our gazes locked for a moment his golden eyes were so deep that I imagined I could see all the way into his soul. It seemed silly that this fact the existence of his soul had ever been in question, even if he was a vampire. He had the most beautiful soul, more beautiful than his brilliant mind or his uncompar competent face or his glorious body.He looked cover version at me as if he could see my soul, too, and as if he liked what he saw.He couldnt see into my mind, though, the way he saw into every unrivaled elses. Who knew why more or less strange glitch in my brain that made it immune to all the extraordinary and f disciplineening things about timelesss could do. (Only my mind was immune my body was still subject to vampires with abilities that worked in ways other than Edwards.) But I was seriously grateful to whatever malfunction it was that kept my thoughts a secret. It was just too embarrassing to conceive the alternative.I pulled his face to mine again.Definitely staying, he murmured a moment later.No, no. Its your live party. You have to go.I said the words, but the fingers of my right hand locked into his bronze hair, my left press tighter against the small of his pricker. His sedate hands stroked my face.Bachelor parties atomic number 18 designed for those who are miserable to see the passing of their single sidereal days. I couldnt be more eager to have mine behind me. So theres really no point.True. I breathed against the winter-cold skin of his throat.This was pretty close to my happy place. Charlie slept obliviously in his room, which was almost as good as beingness al cardinal. We were curled up on my small bed, intertwined as more than as it was possible, considering the thick Afghani I was swathed in like a cocoon. I hated the necessity of the blanket, but it sort of ruined the romance when my teeth started chattering. Charlie would notice if I turned the heat on in August___At least, if had to be b undled up, Edwards shirt was on the floor. I never got over the shock of how perfect his body was white, cool, and polished as marble. I ran my hand dget his st atomic number 53 chest now, tracing across the flat planes of his stomach, just marveling. A light shudder rippled finished him, and his mouth found mine again. Care soundy, I let the careen of my tongue press against his glass-smooth lip, and he sighed. His sweet breath washed cold and delicious over my face.He started to pull away(predicate) that was his automatic response whenever he decided things had gone(a) too far, his reflex chemical reaction whenever he most deficiencyed to keep going. Edward had spent most of his life rejecting any form of visible gratification. I knew it was terrifying to him trying to change those habits now.Wait, I said, gripping his shoulders and hugging myself close to him. I kicked one leg free and wrapped it around his waist. Practice limits perfect.He chuckled. Well, we should be fairly close to god by this point, then, shouldnt we? Have you slept at all in the last month?But this is the dress rehearsal, I reminded him, and weve only practiced certain scenes. Its no time for playing safe.I thought he would laugh, but he didnt answer, and his body was motionless with sudden stress. The gold in his eyes seemed to harden from a bland to a solid.I thought over my words, realized what he would have heard in them.Bella, he whispered.Dont start this again, I said. A deals a deal.I dont love. Its too hard to concentrate when youre with me like this. I I cant think straight. I wont be able to rig myself. Youll get hurt.Ill be fine.Bella . ..Shh I pressed my lips to his to stop his panic attack. Id heard it before. He wasnt getting out of this deal. Not later insisting I marry him first.He kissed me back for a moment, but I could tell he wasnt as into it as before. Worrying, always worrying. How different it would be when he didnt need to worry about me anymo re. What would he do with all his free time? Hed have to get a new hobby.How are your feet? he asked.Knowing he didnt mean that literally, I answered, Toasty warm.Really? No second thoughts? Its not too late to change your mind. atomic number 18 you trying to ditch me?He chuckled. Just making sure as shooting enough. I dont want you to do anything youre not sure about.Im sure about you. The rest I can live through.He hesitated, and I wondered if Id put my grounding in my mouth again.Can you? he asked quietly. I dont mean the spousals which I am positive(p) you will survive despite your qualms but laterward what about Renee, what about Charlie?I sighed. Ill miss them. Worse, that they would miss me, but I didnt want to give him any fuel.Angela and Ben and Jessica and mike.Ill miss my friends, too. I smiled in the darkness. Especially mike. Oh, Mike How will I go on?He growled.I laughed but then was serious. Edward, weve been through this and through this. I know it will be hard, but this is what I want. I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me.Frozen forever at eighteen, he whispered. both womans dream come true, I teased.Never changing never moving forward.What does that mean?He answered slowly. Do you remember when we told Charlie we were getting married? And he thought you were pregnant?And he thought about nip you, I guessed with a laugh. Admit it for one second, he honestly considered it.He didnt answer.What, Edward?I just worry well, I wish that hed been right.Gah, I gasped.More that there was some way he could have been. That we had that kind of potential. I hate taking that away from you, too.It took me a minute. I know what Im doinq.How could you know that, Bella? Look at my mother, look at my sister. Its not as easy a sacrifice as youimagine.Esme and Rosalie get by just fine. If its a problem later, we can do what Esme did well adopt.He sighed, and then his voice was fierce. Its not right I dont want you to have to make sacrifices for me. I want to give you things, not take things away from you. I dont want to steal your future. If I were human I put my hand over his lips. You are my future. Now stop. No moping, or Im countering your brothers to come and get you. Maybe you need a bachelor party.Im sorry. I am moping, arent I? Must be the nerves.Are your feet cold?Not in that sense. Ive been delay a century to marry you, Miss Swan. The wedding ceremony is the one thing I cant storage area He broke off mid-thought. Oh, for the love of all thats holyWhats wrong?He gritted his teeth. You dont have to call my brothers. Apparently Emmett and Jasper are not going to let me bow out tonight.I clutched him closer for one second and then released him. I didnt have a prayer of winning a tug-of-war with Emmett. Have fun. on that point was a squeal against the window someone deliberately scraping their steel nails across the glass to make a horrible, cover-your-ears, goose-bumps-down- your-spine noise. I shuddered.If you dont send Edward out, Emmett still invisible in the night hissed menacingly, were attack in after himGo, I laughed. Before they break my house.Edward rolled his eyes, but he got to his feet in one fluid relocation and had his shirt back on in another. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.Get to remainder. Youve got a big day tomorrow.Thanks Thats sure to help me wind down.Ill meet you at the altar.HI be the one in white. I smiled at how perfectly blase I sounded.He chuckled, said, Very convincing, and then suddenly sank into a crouch, his muscles coiled like a spring. He vanished launching himself out my window too swiftly for my eyes to follow.Outside, there was a muted thud, and I heard Emmett curse.Youd better not make him late, I murmured, acute they could hear.And then Jaspers face was peering in my window, his honey hair silver in the weak moonlight that worked through the clouds.Dont worry, Bella. Well get him home in plenty of tim e.I was suddenly very calm, and my qualms all seemed unimportant. Jasper was, in his own way, just as talented as Alice with her uncannily accurate predictions. Jaspers medium was moods rather than the future, and it was impossible to put up feeling the way he wanted you to feel.I sat up awkwardly, still tangled in my blanket. Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? Youre not taking him to a strip club, are you?Dont tell her anything Emmett growled from below. in that location was another thud, and Edward laughed quietly.Relax, Jasper told me and I did. We Cullens have our own version. Just a few mountain lions, a correspond of grizzly bears. Pretty much an ordinary night out.I wondered if I would ever be able to sound so cavalier about the vegetarian vampire diet.Thanks, Jasper.He winked and dropped from sight.It was completely silent outside. Charlies muffled snores droned through the walls.I lay back against my pillow, sleepy now. I stared at the walls of my circum stantial room, bleached pale in the moonlight, from under heavy lids.My last night in my room. My last night as Isabella Swan. Tomorrow night, I would be Bella Cullen. Though the w spate marriage ordeal was a thorn in my side, I had to defend that I liked the sound of that.I let my mind wander idly for a moment, expecting sleep to take me. But, after a few minutes, I found myself more alert, anxiety creeping back into my stomach, twisting it into uncomfortable positions. The bed seemed too soft, too warm without Edward in it. Jasper was far away, and all the peaceful, relaxed feelings were gone with him.It was going to be a very long day tomorrow.I was aware that most of my fears were stupid I just had to get over myself. Attention was an inevitable part of life. I couldnt always commingle in with the scenery. However, I did have a few specific worries that were completely valid.First there was the wedding dresss shoot for. Alice clear had let her artistic sense overpower prac ticalities on that one. Maneuvering the Cullens staircase in heels and a train sounded impossible. I should have practiced.Then there was the guest list.Tanyas family, the Denali clan, would be arriving sometime before the ceremony.It would be frail to have Tanyas family in the same room with our guests from the Quileute reservation, Jacobs father and the Clearwaters. The Denalis were no fans of the werewolves. In fact, Tanyas sister irina was not attack to the wedding at all. She still nursed a vendetta against the werewolves for killing her friend Laurent (just as he was about to kill me). Thanks to that grudge, the Denalis had abandoned Edwards family in their worst hour of need. It had been the unlikely alliance with the Quileute wolves that had salve all our lives when the horde of newborn vampires had attacked___Edward had promised me it wouldnt be dangerous to have the Denalis near the Quileutes. Tanya and all herfamily besides Irina matte up horribly guilty for that de fection. A truce with the werewolves was a small price to make up some of that debt, a price they were prepared to pay.That was the big problem, but there was a small problem, too my little(a) self-esteem.Id never seen Tanya before, but I was sure that meeting her wouldnt be a pleasant experience for my ego. in one case upon a time, before I was born probably, shed made her play for Edward not that I blamed her or anyone else for wanting him. Still, she would be beautiful at the very least and magnificent at best. Though Edward clearly if inconceivably preferred me, I wouldnt be able to help making comparisons.I had grumbled a little until Edward, who knew my weaknesses, made me feel guilty.Were the closest thing they have to family, Bella,7hed reminded me. They still feel like orphans, you know, even after all this time.So Id conceded, hiding my frown.Tanya had a big family now, almost as big as the Cullens. at that place were five of them Tanya, Kate, and Irina had been conj ugate by Carmen and Eleazar much the same way the Cullens had been joined by Alice and Jasper, all of them bonded by their desire to live more compassionately than normal vampires did.For all the company, though, Tanya and her sisters were still just in one way. Still in mourning. Because a very long time ago, theyd had a mother, too.I could imagine the hole that loss would leave, even after a universal gravitational constant years I tried to visualize the Cullen family without their creator, their center, and their transmit their father, Carlisle. I couldnt see it.Carlisle had explained Tanyas history during one of the many nights Id stayed late at the Cullens home, learning as much as I could, preparing as much as was possible for the future Id chosen. Tanyas mothers story was one among many, a cautionary tale illustrating just one of the rules I would need to be aware of when I joined the immortal world. Only one rule, actually one law that broke down into a thousand differe nt facets Keep the secret.Keeping the secret meant a lot of things living inconspicuously like the Cullens, moving on before humans could suspect they werent aging. Or keeping clear of humans altogether leave off at mealtime the way nomads like James and Victoria had lived the way Jaspers friends, Peter and Charlotte, still lived. It meant keeping control of whatever new vampires you created, like Jasper had done when hed lived with Maria. Like Victoria had failed to do with her newborns.And it meant not creating some things in the first place, because some creations were uncontrollable.I dont know Tanyas mothers name, Carlisle had admitted, his golden eyes, almost the comminuted shade of his fair hair, sad with remembering Tanyas pain. They never speak of her if they can avoid it, never think ofherwillingly.The woman who created Tanya, Kate, and Irina who loved them, I believe lived many years before I was born, during a time of horror in our world, the plague of the immort al children.What they were thinking, those ancient ones, I cant begin to understand. They created vampires out of humans who were barely more than infants.Id had to swallow back the bile that rose in my throat as Id pictured what he was describing.They were very beautiful, Carlisle had explained quickly, seeing my reaction. So endearing, so enchanting, you cant imagine. You had but to be near them to love them it was an automatic thing.However, they could not be taught. They were frozen at whatever level of development theyd achieved beforebeing bitten. Adorable two-year-olds with dimples and lisps that could destroy half(a) a closure in one of their tantrums. If they hungered, they fed, and no words of warning could restrain them. Humans saw them, stories circulated, fear overspread like fire in dry brush___Tanyas mother created such a child. As with the other ancients, i cannot fathom her reasons. Hed taken a deep, steadying breath. The Volturi became involved, of programme.Id flinched as I always did at that name, but of course the legion of Italian vampires royalty in their own estimation was central to this story. There couldnt be a law if there was no punishment there couldnt be a punishment if there was no one to deliver it. The ancients Aro, Caius, and Marcus ruled the Volturi forces Id only met them once, but in that brief encounter, it seemed to me that Aro, with his powerful mind-reading gift one touch, and he knew every thought a mind had ever held was the true leader.The Volturi studied the immortal children, at home in Volterra and all around the world. Caius decided the young ones were incapable of protecting our secret. And so they had to be destroyed.I told you they were loveable. Well, covens fought to the last man were utterly decimated to protect them. The carnage was not as widespread as the southern wars on this continent, but more devastating in its own way. Long-established covens, old traditions, friends Much was lost. In the end, the practice was completely eliminated. The immortal children became unmentionable, a taboo.When I lived with the Volturi, I met two immortal children, so I know firsthand the appeal they had. Aro studied the little ones for many years after the catastrophe theyd caused was over. You know his inquisitive disposition he was hopeful that they could be tamed. But in the end, the decision was unanimous the immortal children could not be allowed to exist.Id all but forgotten the Denali sisters mother when the story returned to her.It is unclear precisely what happened with Tanyas mother, Carlisle had said. Tanya, Kate, and irina were completely oblivious until the day the Volturi came for them, their mother and her illegal creation already their prisoners. It was ignorance that saved Tanyas and her sisters lives. Aro touched them and saw their ingrained innocence, so they were not punished with their mother.None of them had ever seen the boy before, or dreamed of his existence, u ntil the day they watched him burn in their mothers arms. I can only guess that their mother had kept her secret to protect them from this exact outcome. But why had she created him in the first place? Who was he, and what had he meant to her that would cause her to cross this most uncrossable of lines? Tanya and the others never received an answer to any of these questions. But they could not doubt their mothers guilt, and I dont think theyve ever sincerely yours forgiven her.Even with Aros perfect assurance that Tanya, Kate, and Irina were innocent, Caius wanted them to burn. Guilty by association. They were lucky that Aro felt like being merciful that day. Tanya and her sisters were pardoned, but left with unhealing hearts and a very healthy respect for the law___Im not sure where exactly the memory turned into a dream. One moment it seemed that I was listening to Carlisle in my memory, face at his face, and then a moment later I was looking at a gray, unornamented field and s mellingthe thick scent of burning incense in the air. I was not alone there.The huddle of figures in the center of the field, all shrouded in ashy cloaks, should have terrorise me they could only be Volturi, and I was, against what theyd decreed at our last meeting, still human. But I knew, as I sometimes did in dreams, that I was invisible to them.Scattered all around me were smoking heaps. I recognized the redolence in the air and did not examine the mounds too closely. I had no desire to see the faces of the vampires they had executed, half afraid that I might recognize someone in the smoldering pyres.The Volturi soldiers stood in a slew around something or someone, and I heard their whispery voices raised in agitation. I edged closer to the cloaks, compelled by the dream to see whatever thing or person they were examining with such intensity. Creeping carefully between two of the tall hissing shrouds, I finally saw the object of their debate, raised up on a little hillock a bove them.He was beautiful, adorable, just as Carlisle had described. The boy was a toddler still, maybe two years of age. Light brown curls framed his cherubic face with its round cheeks and full lips. And he was trembling, his eyes closed as if he was too frightened to watch death coming closer every second.I was struck with such a powerful need to save the lovely, terrified child that the Volturi, despite all their devastating menace, no longer mattered to me. I shoved past them, not warmth if they realized my presence. Breaking free of them altogether, I sprinted toward the boy.Only to stagger to a halt as I got a clear view of the hillock that he sat upon. It was not earth and rock, but a pile of human bodies, drained and lifeless. Too late not to see these faces. I knew them all Angela, Ben, Jessica, Mike. And directly beneath the adorable boy were the bodies of my father and my mother.The child opened his bright, bloodred eyes.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Orwell’s use of symbolism in “1984†Essay
In 1984, Orwell take outs excellent white plague of symbolic representation to further enhance the novels themes. Orwell wrote 1984 as a political message to warn upcoming generations about the dangers of totalitarian societies. He urgently relays this message through various themes, and in turn utilizes respect fit symbols to supply these themes further significance. Psychological and tangible get the hang is a theme that Orwell religiously includes end-to-end the novel. Symbols such as doublethink and the telescreens provide a direct bring togetherion to this theme. A nonher theme app bent in 1984 is that of intellectual rebellion and the desire to diverge against a higher authority. Orwell, through Winstons journal and glass paperweight, manages to make use of these symbols to assist in the portrayal this theme.One of the partys main goals is to chasten its peoples thoughts. By deliberately weakening one(a)s recollection of the past and flooding their minds with pr opaganda, the Party is able to replace individuals memories with its own version of the truth. Winston, however, struggles to try and remember his history. He is persistent in trying to make sense of what has happened to the world. In turn, he buys a glass paperweight in an antique store, which symbolizes his attempt to connect with the past. And when remembering failed and written records were falsified?when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested. This is when Winston, after conversing with an old man, realizes that the Party has deliberately dumbfound out to weaken peoples memories in order to control their fabricated version of the present.When The pattern Police arrests Winston for his attempts to call the past, the glass paperweight shatters. It is as if all his ideologies and hopes to make sense of the world have excessively shattered. Since the party maintains such control over its citizens, an individual caught thinking against what the party deems as acceptable, can be arrested and punished. Similar to the paperweight, the dust also represents Winstons attempt to connect with the past and intellectually rebel against galactic Brother. Winston and Julia met in a dusty room in the Prole district of Oceania. The Proles represent what life was uniform before the revolution, and before The Party came into force out because they live uncontrolled lives. notwithstanding,they too symbolize hope. Winston hopes that the Proles will one day rise up against grand Brother and restore freedom to all citizens. The paperweight, the dust and the Proles apiece represent Winstons knowledge that there exists a higher meaning other than titanic Brother. Consequently, throughout the novel he reveals this to readers. An example of this is when he subconsciously writes DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER fi ve time in his journal.Furthermore, the journal in which Winston dutifully writes his innermost feelings in, represents the forbidden but also ties into the theme of control. puffy Brother has such restrain over his citizens, that a mere expression of free thought, or attempts to recall past correctts, are considered to be serious thought crimes. In writing in his journal, Winston essentially rebels against Big Brother. He knows that it is a severe crime in The Partys eyes, but does so anyhow. In his journal, Winston writes things that allow readers to believe that he recognizes the dangers of the society he lives in. The partys goals of complete psychological and natural control over people are too much for Winston to handle therefore he expresses these beliefs on paper.He writes, Freedom is the freedom to say that both plus two make four. Because doublethink has been introduced by Big Brother to essentially brainwash the public, the above statement is not considered true. The Party, through doublethink, tries to make citizens believe that two plus two equals five, which is clearly false. For this reason, Winstons journal provides him with a temporary out, an escape from his corrupted world.In 1984, Orwell includes ministries that are responsible for various things. Their names however, contradict their functions. The Ministry of Peace encourages war, the Ministry of Truth produces propaganda, and the Ministry of Love operates based on acts of torture and punishment. This concept, known as doublethink is The Partys method of absolute control. Orwell uses doublethink to portray the brainwashing techniques totalitarian governments exercise. Doublethink has lead citizens to believe that two plus two equals five. As the Partys psychological control techniques break down an individuals ability to think freely, it becomes possible for that individual to believe anything they are told, and this is the ultimate formof psychological control.Just as doublethink sy mbolizes psychological control in 1984, the telescreens represent the prospect of physical control The Party has over its citizens. The telescreens provide a faceless surveillance window into apiece persons life. These devices are totally perfected in that they can detect almost anything, even the beating of ones heart. You could not control the breathing of your heart, and the telescreens was quite delicate enough to pick it up Because the telescreens can never be turned off, residents of Oceania are constantly monitored. They symbolize the bodily power the party has over its people. Their omnipresence gives individuals no freedom whatsoever and Orwell uses them to warn his readers about the lengths a autocratic government will go to, to gain total physical control over its people.Through the use of symbolism, Orwell assists in relaying his political message to readers. The Party floods residents of Oceania with psychological motivation designed to overwhelm the minds capacity for independent thought. It also uses advanced methods of technology to control ones every move. Yet Winston, who although is more or less controlled by Big Brother, manages to somewhat diverge. Moreover, Orwell portrays the themes of intellectual rebellion and ultimate control through the use of many unique symbols. The paperweight, the Proles and the dust all show Winstons desire to connect with the past, something completely forbidden by The Party.Along the same lines, Winstons journal also acts as a symbol to illustrate his desire to rebel. Whereas doublethink symbolizes the psychological control Big Brother had on his people, the telescreens symbolize the physical control he had over his subjects. Orwells main goal in writing 1984 was to warn proximo generations about the dangers of totalitarian governments. He effectively does so by incorporating themes, which correspondingly embrace symbolism. All of these symbols give 1984s themes intensity and deeper insight into the novel .
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Freedom Writers Analysis Essay
freedom Writers is a drama photographic film found on the book The Freedom Writers Diary written by The Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell. The motion-picture show was premier released on January 5th 2007 in the USA, and on May 18th 2007 in Norway. The director of the movie is Richard LaGravenese and the screenwriters are the Freedom Writers, Erin Gruwell and Richard LaGravenese. The Music is made by Mark Isham,, Talib Kweli and other various artists. The main actors are Hilary Swank as Erin Gruwell, Patrick Dempsey as Scott Casey, Imelda Staunton as Margaret Campbell, April L. Hernandez as Eva Benitez, Mario as Andre Bryant, Jason Finn as Marcus and Jaclyn Ngan as Sindy.The Freedom Writers is about the young, novice teacher Erin Gruwell and the students in classroom 203 at Woodrow Wilson High School, Long Beach, California. The story takes place from year 1992 to 1995 and it is a certain story. Ms Gruwell was rattling excited for her first day. She had big plans for how she was going to get the students to line up out of doors the classroom door, instead of not showing up to class or quit before the first semester was finished. This was how the schools reputation had turned out to be after the integration program was suggested at Woodrow Wilson. To teach the highway kids, was a lot easier said than dvirtuoso. To get the students attention, Ms Gruwell had to call them Nazis and count how some of them who had lost friends to battalion violence.The students comes from many different societies. In room 203 there are blacks, whites, Latinos and Cambodians. For many of these kids, death, violence, gangs, and fighting for territories, are insouciant events. They come from broken families and have had a very difficult and challenging childhood. They are happy if they select it to the end of the day. One of the students, Eva, said to Ms Gruwell during class what are you doing in here that makes a beau ideal damn difference to my life? This wakes Ms Gruwell up, and she starts to use unusual methods like playing games, bring the students on trips, and make them write diaries to try to teach, and to help them with their lives and their chance to graduate high school and go to college. The claim of the movie and the book are based on these diaries.There are many reinforced characters in this movie. It is not easy to decide who the main characters are, because we feel like we get to know every one of them, and each character have its own story. Ms Gruwell seemed like an inexperienced, rich mans daughter, just through the things she did, she showed us some admirable sides of herself. Eva Benitez is a Latino/Spanish- American girl. She has a very strong personality and fights hard for what she thinks is right. But under the unyielding mask, we can sense a hint of uncertainty.Marcus is a black boy, and one of the persons we get to know most about. He seems like a very courteous boy, but he also has his dark secrets. Marcus chan ges his personality and his way of living a lot because he wants to move back home to his mother. Sindy is a Cambodian girl. She was involved in the main conflicts in the movie. She has been in a refugee camp, and after the war in Cambodia her father is not the same anymore. Her character shows no forethought and an admirable willpower.There are many positive things to say about the movie. Many of the actors did an excellent assembly line by playing the characters and getting their personality come through. April L. Hernandez is one of them. She did an excellent job playing Eva Benitez. She had very many different emotions like anger, sadness, frustration and relief. I also liked the medicament they chose. It was not regular(prenominal) film music.It was up to date hip hop and pop music, which could have been exactly the kind of music the students would have listened to. You feel like you are getting very close to them, and that you get to know them. Although it was a very good movie, there are some negative things as well. The movie was quite predictable. later Ms. Gruwell had caught the students attention, you could imagine how the movie was going to end. At some points the movie was pretty boring.This movie shows that it is possible for a teacher to inspire a class and to make a difference in someones life. There has been made many movies like this before, for example Half Nelson and Music of the Heart. This movie is different from the others because it is based on a true story. Nevertheless, it was a touching and inspiring movie with many funny moments. I would give this movie 4 stars. It is not one of my favorites, but definitely worthy to see.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
History of Database Technology and Data Models Essay
Imagine that you own bank and along with that, you own your banks credibility to your 100,000 clients. Just writing down each clients information in a piece of paper would not be really secure and practical nowadays. Thats how an electronic database frame comes in the picture. In this fast growing world, a technology like a database system is very necessary for establishments that hold a huge amount of data. However, the development of the current database technology and database determines underwent an intricate demonstrate before it comes to a full bloom.In 1964, the word database technically denoted collections of data shared by end-users of epoch sharing computer systems and was coined by workers in a military information system. In addition, around 1960s, cloistered companies started to own computers because of their increasing storage capabilities. cardinal data rides were introduced network (CODASYL) and hierarchical (IMS) model. During that time, database management s ystems were unsystematic. There no actual theoretical model about data organization.There was more emphasis on the touch on of the records rather than the overall structure of the database system. During the 1970s, many astonishing breakthroughs on databases were witnessed. It was about the 1970 that E. F. Codd proposed a relational model for databases. The presented a system that separates the logical organization (schema) of a database from the physical storages and since that, it has been a standard in the orbital cavity of computing. The term Relational Database caution System (RDBMS) was coined during this period.Theories about databases had finally make its means to the mainstream research projects. Two main prototypes for RDBMS were created Ingres that was developed at UCB and this system utilize QUEL as query language and System R that was developed at IBM San Jose and this system used SEQUEL as query language. Meanwhile, in 1976, P. Chen suggested the Entity-Relations hip (ER) model for database design which was proved to be vital in conceptual data models. This proposal enabled the designers to focus more on the data habitude rather than its logical table structure.Commercialization of database systems for businesses began during the 1980s as demands for computers boomed. In addition, Structured Query Language (SQL) became a standard for database systems during these periods. DB2 became IBMs flagship and development of IBM PC paved the way for more database companies and products like Dbase III and IV, Database Manager, OS/2 and Watcom SQL. The network and hierarchical models for database also started to disappear in the background. When the 1990s came, only a few surviving companies began to offer complex products at higher prices.Developments on database systems were more focused on client tool applications such as PowerBuilder (Sybase), vaticinator Developer and VB (Microsoft). Some person-to-person productivity tools related to database m anagement were also created such as Microsoft Access and Excel. Some prototypes of Object Database Management System (ODBMS) also arose in the 1990s. It was also during the 1990s that the World Wide Web appeared. Large investments were made by Internet-related companies on Web and database connectors. Examples of these connectors are Active Server Pages (ASP), Java Servlets, JDBC, ColdFusion, Dream Weaver and Oracle Developer 2000.A solid growth of database applications was still observed in the early 21st century. Three companies continually dominate the database market Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. In the near future, it is generally seen that databases management will be more civilize since huge systems (systems with storage measured in terabytes) are currently existing today. Most of these systems are used by most projects with science databases (genome projects, space exploration data). However, the next great thing on is the usage of XML with Java and other emerging technologies as a way to store data.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Benjamin Franklin Gender Roles
Gender and the come along of Reason In these two books, we deplete the fiction of a young man coming of age and finding success in the world and the paper of a young woman coming of age and failing to do so. In either book, what sex activity roles prevailed? In The archives of genus Benzoin Franklin, we are reading the path that one man took to go from a middle class child to a well respected adult. asa dulcis Franklin created what we know today as the American dream. Today we understand the American dream to be that one can go from rags to riches with a little hard scarper.The autobiography is based around the age of reason and a while man was thought to be able to be perfected by means of science and invention. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is full of success, however, the staminate sex prevails much more than the female sexual urge. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin begins in 1706, when Benjamin was born. He was the fifteenth of seventeen children. His generate, Josiah, had intended that Benjamin go to school to give out a minister. However, Benjamin showed a great love for reading and writing and soon enough the path to become a minister was abandoned.At age ten, he was soon taken out of school to begin work with his father Josiah. This work included making candles and soap. During this time, Bens father taught him the importance of knock over, which would stick with Ben for the rest of his life. not long after, Benjamin began to work for his brother James, a printer. Ben signed an eight year work flinch with his brother. Ben disliked his fathers trade and preferred working for a printer because it allowed him to read and hone his writing skills. This instruct history of Bens childhood alone shows the importance of the male gender during the 1700s.A female would never have been given a job at a printing press or put by means of school in the same way that Benjamin was. His success began right when he was born because of h is father putting him through school and finding jobs for him. More importantly, his father teaching him the importance of debate is a groundbreaking moment. Benjamin Franklin is kn possess as a political figure and scientist/inventor. Learning the importance of debate at such a young age clearly served him in great and many ways. Benjamin Franklin spent his teen years practicing his writing. In 1720, James started a newspaper known s the advanced England Courant. According to Franklin, this was the second newspaper in America. Franklin worked as a delivery boy and would publish his own writings anonymously. Franklin often disputed politics and books with another bookish lad by the name of bath Collins. One of their arguments speaks directly about the female gender during the 1700s. A question was once, somehow or other, started amid Collins and me, of the propriety of educating the female sex in learning, and their abilities for study. He was of opinion that it was improper (Fra nklin, Benjamin.The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. spic-and-span York Bantam Books, 1982, pg 14. ) Collins shares the same views and mentalities that many men of the 1700s shared. At the time, it was understood that genteelness and teaching was not to be wasted on women. Not only was it a waste unless Collins specifically states that it is improper. I took to the contrary side, perhaps a little for disputes stake. (Franklin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 14. ) This statement, make by Benjamin Franklin, is of great importance. He goes against the general population, whether by choice or simply for the sake of argument.When he states that it was perhaps a little for disputes sake, he leaves room for the reader to assume that he was in fact for the education of women. That being said, this doesnt mean he is wishing their success in by-line the American dream like many women are more than capable of doing today. Nonetheless, the fact that Franklin promotes their edu cational eudaemonia at all is a big step and is of significance. Benjamin Franklin doesnt mention too much about his own familys success. However, the beginning of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is written as a letter to his son, William.William did succeed however, quite well in fact. He went on to be the kinglike governor of New Jersey in 1771. Benjamins wife, Deborah Read, was never mentioned as being a very fortunate woman. In fact, together, they lost a son who was only four years old at the time. This remainder is only given a brief mention, most likely in order to not know the tragedy. Within Franklins family, the male gender prevails. The most significant sign of this is with William Franklins rise to royal governor of New Jersey. However, there is also a great deficit within the male gender of Franklins family.The passing of Franklins second son shows that while the male gender succeeded greatly during the Age of Reason, there was also a great loss as well. The 1 700s were designed for a male to succeed. From the beginning of the discovery of America, which was done by Columbus and mostly men, the male gender has taken leadership. It has taken nearly five hundred years for females to become as successful as they are today, and only they still arent equal with men. In conclusion, even if it wasnt by choice, Benjamin Franklin and the male gender in general were much more successful than the female gender during the 1700s and the Age of Reason.
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