Friday, February 22, 2019

Red Bull Marketing Strategy Essay

Q1 Explain how flushed diddlysquat has been able-bodied to arouse and activate the consumer decision-making process.Initially, rosy bell ringer made consumers realize that they read this kind of nonhing potable by physiological arousal. For blue-collar in Thai such as taxi and truck drivers, they usually have to combat mental and forcible fatigue that are their bodily needs at that moment. rubicund prick used and interprets these physiological cues to arouse related needs almost readiness drinks. afterwards consumers know the needs, tearing manipulate evoked consumers to link nada drinks to their product according to the function and footings. People tend to perceive things they need or want (Schiffman et al., 2014). so consumers will remember vehement diddlysquat. After success in Thai, Mateschitz refined the Red forge and cookd a powerful provoker image in postal code drinks merchandise. They use expose and induce advertising to put its brand and can s into audiences mind.Visual percept enables spate to bring forth the existence of Red Bull as well as its color, institution and function (Padgham & Saunders, 1975). Red Bull became the one of most globally recognized brands that this brand might arouse consumer to purchase. This is what we call product-specific goals. As Red Bull become popular, its products usually are the first choice of slide fastener drinks when people doing pre-purchase search. Because consumers purchase decisions are beguiles by their sociocultural environment, which are all well-kn give(prenominal) with Red Bull. Thats how Red Bull arouses and activates the consumer decision-making process.Q2 Why do you figure Red Bull has been able to be successful in incoming the evoked draw of consumers?Red Bull does well in market segmentation. Their target market are 18- to 34-year-old males. Because this group has the common needs of energy drinks and does similar purchase decision-making process, Red Bull co uld satisfy their needs and agnize their psychology easily. Red Bull has clear positioning that consumers could separate it from its competitors. By the use of global social media, sponsorship and event ownership strategies (known as ambush advertising) to create a specific image or perception of product into audiences mind which are their target customers (Schiffman et al., 2014). These help consumers develop changeless perceptions about Red Bull(Batra et al., 2009). Red Bull has strong brand personality to make customers remember it and separate it from its competitors.Red Bulls brand image is a red bull with the blue cans. The contrive is unique and link to the brand name and its product. exclusively these factors create a image of Red Bull to customers. As consumers subconsciously exercise selectivity about which aspects of the environment they perceive (Schiffman et al., 2014), Red Bull could enter the evoked set of consumers as long as it could catch customers perceptiven esss. Besides the unique brand, Red Bull handing out free samples of the product and sales teams driving Minis with a Red Bull can strapped on top of the car. These actions catch consumers insight and attract them to purchase. All these elements make Red Bull are able to be successful in entering the evoked set of consumers.Q3 What could learn a consumer to take leave purchasing Red Bull?If consumers do not neb products, they will not be able to purchase them (Jansson-Boyd, 2010). However, in this case, Red Bull is a well-known brand. Therefore this is not an exaltation method. If the appraise of the product cannot match customers expectation, consumers might stop purchasing Red Bull even though this is a famous brand. In a marketing context, people tend to perceive products and product attributes according to their own expectations (Schiffman et al., 2014). Different customers have different expectations. If some consumers expectations are too tall and Red Bull cannot satisfy their needs, those customers will feel disappointed and stop purchasing next time. For example, if a customer do not interchangeable sweet drink but Red Bull is sweet, then this customer might stop purchasing it.Consumers experiences could influence their decision making because it associate to consumers perceptions. A previous experience to the stimulus is an important element to clear a perceptual pattern that will subsequently be stored in memory (Jansson-Boyd, 2010). If consumers have a terrible experience with Red Bulls product, they might avoid purchasing it automatically next time. another(prenominal) element could influence a consumer to stop purchasing Red Bull is the compelling advertisements. Although compelling advertisements could help Red Bull arouse consumers and influence consumer decision-making, sometimes consumers might choose to ignore it because it is lousy. That is perceptual defence.Q4 From a consumer decision-making perspective, how has Red Bull been succ essful in maintaining brand loyalty in the energy drink market?First of all Red Bulls product must be good to make customers remember and imprecate it. That is not only the quality of product is good but in like manner consumers believed the product is good. Individuals make decisions and take actions based on what they perceive to be reality (Schiffman et al., 2014). Thus Red Bull makes its products satisfy consumers perceive value according to using compelling advertisements and unique package. Customers have many chances to notice Red Bull in their life such as TV advertisements, the Red Bull mini cars and the logo of Red Bull appeared in the match. Especially when consumers notice that a famous people drink Red Bull, most customers will perceive that Red Bull is good. Consumers may depone more on the image conveyed by the brand than its actual attributes (Schiffman et al., 2014).All these compelling advertisements and the unique package help Red Bull to create an image that R ed Bull is good and worth to buy it to customers. Thus when consumers want to purchase energy drink, Red Bull is the first thing that comes to their minds. The other important element to make customers loyalty is the price. For most consumers, price represents quality and value. Generally, customers believe that the higher the price the better the quality. Red Bull is three to sic times more expensive than Coca-Cola and is usually the highest-priced energy drink in the market. Inevitably, consumers perceive that the quality of Red Bull is the high hat in energy drinks. Customers look for value when buying (Dodds, 2003). Red Bull create the value to satisfy consumers need, thus it make customers loyalty in its products.ReferencesBatra, S. K., Kazmi, S. H. H. and Batra, S. K. (2009). Consumer Behaviour-2nd. New Delhi Excel Books India. Dodds, B. (2003). Managing Customer Value Essentials of Product Quality, Customer Service, and toll Decisions. Colorado University Press of America. Jansson-Boyd, C. V. (2010). Consumer Psychology. England McGraw-Hill International. Schiffman, L. G., OCass, A., Paladino, A., Carlson, J. (2014). Consumer Behaviour. Australia Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd.

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