Friday, December 27, 2019
Beowulf Comparing Beowulf and Wiglaf - 1213 Words
In the literary work of Beowulf, it is imperative to analyze the relationships between characters and how those relationships function to create new meaning or a better understanding of the literature as a whole. In Beowulf, it can be said that the characters of Beowulf and Wiglaf share parallels that serve to show Wiglaf as becoming the next king, and not only the successor of the throne, but a sign of hope for the doomed society of the Geats. These similarities can be recognized especially well through the Anglo Saxon beliefs of what makes an exceptional warrior, as well as certain language chosen when describing the two characters. Furthermore, the two characters mirror each other in motifs of the story such as the father and son†¦show more content†¦92). The next motif that illustrates the similarities of the two warriors is the parallels seen in their coming of age stories in which they are reborn to be a king. In the instance of Beowulf, there are multiple ba ttles leading to his rebirth as a king, the main one being the fight with Grendel s mom. Because of birthing imagery depicted in the scene, Beowulf drops into the abyss a thane, and essentially, through rebirth, emerges as a king. The text reads that Beowulf returned from the abyss which was a surge of waves with blood in the backwash, a very clear version of birthing imagery (P. 68). Also, the text says, He who wields power of time and tide: He is the true Lord (P. 68). This is significant to the idea that Beowulf has been reborn a king since he emerged from the lake, a birthing image, and is upheld as the true lord. Wiglaf, although less indicated in this motif, still shares a common parallel in the fact that he begins his battle with the dragon as a thane and ends as a king. When Wiglaf is described before the battle, it is said that this was his first time to be tested as a fighter (P. 89). However, the text directly after shows Wiglaf to have wise and fluent words, a qua lity of a king (P. 89). Also, birthing imagery is apparent in Wiglaf s story because of the use of the cave, a indicator of the womb. At the start ofShow MoreRelatedHeroes : A Comparison Of Beowulf And Wolverine750 Words  | 3 PagesFrom the medieval times to the aftermath of World War II we have two different but extremely similar hero figures in history. One was Beowulf, an inexperienced warrior who turned into a developed king. The other was what some would call abnormal who was later turned into a science experiment known as Wolverine. Beowulf and Wolverine are very harsh and pitiless when it comes to conflict. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Pros And Cons Of Investments - 732 Words
I found the advice to diversify your investments as much as possible to be the most interesting and useful. It makes sense because as the old saying goes, â€Å"don’t put all of your eggs in one basket†. I also found it interesting that one can receive a good return on their investments even when they diversify their portfolio. This is because when one diversifies their portfolio the stocks that do well in addition to bonds generally over compensate for the stocks that lose capitol. This is opposed to investing entirely in one stock, which could produce very lucrative returns but could also wipe out all of one’s assets. In this scenario the negative is far too extreme to justify the positive. 13. The short explanation as to why mohair farmers†¦show more content†¦GDP is able to be measured accurately unlike other factors in human wellness like happiness. 15. A nation’s GDP is a poor measure of its economic wellbeing and progress because it doesn’t account for all economic activity, it doesn’t account for the biological factors in the economy, and it can be deceiving at first glance. GDP is only able to measure activity where financial transactions take place. This means that things done in the home and community generally go unmeasured even though they can improve the quality of life. GDP is also unable to measure things such as happiness, environmental destruction/preservation, or romantic involvement. GDP can also be deceiving when trying to gauge the wealth of a nation. A nation such as India may have a large GDP when compared to a nation like Monaco. However, the average citizen of Monaco is vastly wealthier and has access to far superior civil services than the average citizen of India. 16. The primary role of the U.S. Federal Reserve is to facilitate the smooth functioning of the economy. The Fed does this by operating as the lender of last resorts, as was seen notably in the 2008 financial crisis when JPMorgan Chase bought out Bear Stearns with Fed funds. The Fed also controls the money supply of the U.S., which influences credit. The Fed can influence the economy by injecting or restricting funds. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Culture ClashIndia Essay Research Paper Culture Clash free essay sample
Culture Clang: India Essay, Research Paper Culture Clang: Culturally and Politically As I sit here on my bed and inquire how adult females have been subordinated for so long in the universe, I am reminded of why we are. The phrase The personal is political, from Virginia Woolf s book A Room Of One s Own, is a cardinal thought to why we are. The ground for my effort to speak on this subject is based on the universe and my ain experiences. Womans are controlled by the systems of authorities, household, civilization, and gender, and particularly matrimony. I know that in the Indian civilization, where I am originally from, adult females are put down in many facets by the people around them, both politically and culturally. In India, there is so much poorness and overpopulation. Womans are non allowed to hold the personal freedom they want because the household and the state expects certain values to be followed, and if they are non followed, we are socially and politically looked down upon. We will write a custom essay sample on Culture ClashIndia Essay Research Paper Culture Clash or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This curtails a adult female s chance to achieve the accomplishments work forces are able to do. The ground for this being that adult females of lower and in-between categories are seldom educated, the males are commanding, wellness issues are a concern, and adult females are expected to acquire ordered matrimonies, based on position, wealth, faith, and linguistic communication. Families who have even moved to the United States from India follow many of the traditional values that they have been so accustomed to. In the US, it is politically looked down upon an Indian adult female of a traditional household to hold an interracial matrimony or relationship, and divorce seldom happens, for an Indian twosome in the US or in India. When a adult female is married, she is supposed to go forth her house to travel take a new life with her hubby and his household. This life is what is expected of an Indian adult female ; nevertheless, we must retrieve that there is still the upper category o f adult females in India. These adult females come from influential households and are placed in the highest establishments to one twenty-four hours go professionals. Even for these extremely educated adult females, they are still held by the values of the family and held by the traditions of India. One of the most of import subjects among Indians in general is matrimony. For illustration, I will speak of my ain household. My male parent and female parent are both physicians who come from influential households in India. They had an arranged matrimony that was based on their instruction, household, linguistic communication, and specific Indian background from which they came. The background is that they are both Hindu, talk a linguistic communication called Telugu, and are from a household with the last name of Reddy. In this civilization, love is gained after matrimony. I do see the love my parents have for one another, but I was surprised that even for flush households, the strictest traditional outlooks are still at that place. I know that by traveling to the United States and populating here for the past 24 old ages, my parents are good established and they are easy accepting some non-traditional values from the people here. My parents do non anticipate me to acquire an ordered matrimony ; nevertheless, my brother, who is 28, would non mind. Dating or relationships before matrimony is non accepted easy even now for parents who grew up in such traditi onal backgrounds. I know that I am merely able to speak to my ma about my fellow of 2 old ages. The lone thing at this point in my life until I get into medical school, that I can speak to my male parent about is of my instruction, which is my top precedence. I am allowed to hold a fellow in my female parent s eyes because he is person she thinks would most likely be accepted because he is Indian besides ; nevertheless there is a job that both of us will most likely face in the hereafter. Although he is Indian, he is of a different faith, Sikhism, and of a different linguistic communication and civilization. Although he has graduated from William and Mary, and is traveling to medical school, this may non needfully intend he can get married whomever he wants, merely like my parents. Bing Indian has its ain strings, because there are so many barriers even among our ain people, that is put upon us because of India. Most households do non wish kids to get married even outside of our ain specific civilization and background, every bit good as faith and linguistic communication. I hope that in the old ages to come after I am done with medical school, my parents every bit good as his, will accept our determination to get married. I think that our households are now traveling on to more modern facets of life and I think most other households are besides easy traveling off from the political and societal country that was expected from India and its people. 32e
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Internet Generation free essay sample
We live in the age of information and technology, a great milestone which humankind has reached within a remarkably short period. Just only a few decades ago the average persons had very limited access to information because due to lack of technology. Everything transformed since the introduction of the Internet, which is a relatively novel phenomenon in the history of mankind. We are the generation that was born during the nineties. One could also say we are the Internet generation; it was a time when legions of young children opened a new window to explore the world. This had a radical impact on the way see this world, the way we communicate with each other and it is no exaggeration that it even changed the way we think. It simply made us more innovative. It was a momentous event when I first browsed the Internet, I felt that I can explore everything that I wished to know with a single click of a button. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Generation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Internet allowed the individual unprecedented freedom to search for anything it wanted to know, this was a noteworthy accomplishment. Along with good stuff there is always a negative outcome. Within the last two decades, every year an array of countries were rapidly connected to the Internet. It quickly became a major demographic phenomenon as more and more people became accessible to the Internet. It gave birth to a new kind of problem, a cyber one. All sorts of viruses were spread in the cyber world by computer frats and geeks whom called themselves hackers. Also, many people launched porn sites and blind date sites where strangers met online and hook-up. Since the creation of the Internet, our generation has been living in a rapidly changing world. We have been accessible into a sea of information, we can communicate with family and friend anywhere in the world. It gave us endless opportunity to understand and see the world we live in and it brought us people closer than ever before. 21st century. We live in the age of information and technology, a great milestone which humankind has reached within a remarkably short period of time. Just only a few decades ago the average persons had very limited access to information because due to lack of technology. Everything changed since the introduction of the Internet, which is a relatively novel phenomenon in the history of mankind. We are the nineties generation. One could also say we are the Internet generation; legions of young children grew up to experience a new window to the world. This had a radical impact on the way see this world, the way we communicate with each other and it is no exaggeration that it even changed the way we think. It simply made us more innovative. It was a momentous event when I first browsed the Internet, I felt that I can explore everything that I wished to know with a single click of a button. The Internet allowed the individual unprecedented freedom to search for anything it wanted to know, this was a noteworthy accomplishment. Along with good stuff there is always a negative outcome. Within the last two decades, every year an array of countries were rapidly connected to the Internet. It quickly became a major demographic phenomenon as more and more people became accessible to the Internet. It gave birth to a new kind of problem, a cyber one. All sorts of viruses were spread in the cyber world by computer frats and geeks whom called themselves hackers. Also, many people launched porn sites and dating sites where strangers met online and hook-up. Since the creation of the Internet, our generation has been living in a ever changing world. We have been accessible into a sea of information, we can communicate with family and friend anywhere in the world. It gave us endless opportunity to understand and see the world we share and it brought us people closer than ever before.
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