Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The butterfly effect Essay Example For Students
The butterfly effect Essay This is alike of the genre as horror really likes to make obvious who are the victims and who are the villains of the text but as I said no clear narrative theory is used apart from Strauss where the clear different endings show different oppositions. The end shot is panned across in the dolly very slowly to really see the shot and the tension of the sequence and the horror of what they have done depending how far they are in the sequence each one just as tragic. This is challenging as they are really seen as children rather than teens and depicted as innocent but they are seen as dangerous but somehow still holds a sympathetic approach to especially the character of Evan and not to the character of Tommy. Tommy is very aggressive to realise this no mumbles even need to be heard the actors reactions show their opposition to him that he is the tough guy as even the older teens are beaten by him connoting Evan with no hope. We will write a custom essay on The butterfly effect specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The dreamy sequences are seen highly with saturated colours, to show how Evan really doesnt believe it as it is a diffusion with softened skin to really make the actors look perfect using softer camera lens Kaylee stands up to father as Evan scared him after suicide story and the language of fuck bag gives an impression that he is not a child but is the older guy talking in a childlike form. Amy is therefore creating a stronger character here and is superficial they are all part of an in crowd opposed to before this is more than Evan wanted connoting a non realistic scene. Horror is usually shown with dark settings and isolated settings this is the opposite of this the only scene which really shows this is the scene in the basement where the only lights shown are candles lit, and the flash on the digital camera, it really enhances being isolated by being set on a lower level and to show him as perverted man with nowhere for innocent children to run from him. Kaylee becomes a prostitute and in another sequence working in a diner clearly due to her tormented past connoted as lonely and depressed used with medium shots and occasional close ups as she is not as pretty in these shots we as an audience may feel threatened an audience. A horror may do this but it did not fit in to the circumstances laid before us. Tommy however from a young age is seen as evil by the way he twists the doll in the basement following his fathers tactics. The real horror of the film is not the picture as such it is more the psychological concepts and realisations behind the film to realise how dangerous and haunting it can be when you change something which you will regret. None of the settings were that extreme there were few settings used and those which were are typical settings such as houses, university, school and the street the only tricky setting was the prison which was cast in a real set to show the toughness of real prisoners this scene really creates the fear and sensitivities of Evan and the horror of ending up in a place like this which after all the damage is done it is where he belongs but the high angles allows us to sympathises with him instead. The audience we expect would be those who are keen on the horror genre and they like to be scared so the film does what it can to be unpredictable not meeting the expectations of the audience but ending with the correct meaning which does meet this. It may also interest those interested in Psychology interested how ones memory works, the majority of the audience will be a of teens so a clear storyline needs to be built up to not be too complex and as it is a global text it needs to create ideological concepts that apply to all regions. .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .postImageUrl , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:hover , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:visited , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:active { border:0!important; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:active , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Inequality in the Film Idustry EssaySo this is how they had the main theme of the relationship between Kaylee and Evan as everyone can relate to having a crush that never went the way they wanted it to go and hung up on the depression of this concept it is unpredictable in the way it is not a happy ending but fits in with the genre which is one of meaning. None of the tragedies outlined are serious in itself at the tender age of 7 in comparison to what they turn into as he grows older. A child seen drawing pictures and playing with knifes are seen as nothing serious and is a sense of exploring unless they are repeated it is feared and shocking of him as he is beyond this stage close ups of him allow us to really focus and become apart of his life and decide why he does the things he does. As more disasters happen at the age of 13 it starts to become worrying and the tension really connotes the shock of how this teen has developed his blackouts and not got rid of them the music really helps this with long sustained notes on the strings and emotional piano playing to highlight the moment and dramatise it creating tension. Non-surprisingly at the age of 20 it becomes beyond the limits with real crimes such as murders and being put into mental institutions. The aspects of horror are highlighting the real moments in a supernatural aspect of playing god they are not typical conventions of many horrors it is in a typical setting it does not scare the characters it plays on their vulnerabilities and the setting throughout the film does not change when re invented. The representations are also very typical. In his university years he is rather down to earth simple clothes and room opposed to the gothic character who he shares his flat with shown as completely contrasted not attractive and extreme in his clothing. Typical getting drunk and having sex environment an advance on the teens smoking and blowing up dynamites rebelliously who are shown as unattractive at this age could be connoting that they are investigating serious encounters and nothing will change if they dont improve this in keeping with the horror going where you shouldnt. The fading of the person before the location is moved in to a new scene really creates the horror like Evan doesnt exist and has risen from the dead.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Role of the High Court in Australias system of government
The Role of the High Court in Australias system of government Introduction The Australian High Court is the highest independent judicial arm of the government, which is also a significant feature of Australia’s liberal-democratic governance (Patapan, 2010, p. 167; Banks, 2007, p. 16).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the High Court in Australia’s system of government specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main functions of this court include interpreting and applying the Australian constitution, solving cases regarding the federal system of governance such as instances where the constitutional validity of the laws is challenged, and officiating appeal cases (Singleton et al., 2009, p.64). However, in the recent past, there have been arguments over the court’s role in the shifting balance of power, which tends to favor the Commonwealth. As a result, there is the need to look into the factors underlying this shift in the balance of power and the rele vant constitutional interpretations since the initial constitution provided for the preservation of the balance of power between the commonwealth and the states (Singleton et al., 2009, p.64). To this end, the essay will look at the role of the high court in interpreting the wording of the Australian constitution by considering the Engineers case (Amalgamated Society of Engineers Vs Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd) of 1920. In addition, this essay aims at illustrating the High Court’s role as a political institution of governance through considering the court’s input in supporting the legislation regarding income tax, which was enacted by the Commonwealth in 1942. Overall, the two cases will serve as examples of the roles played by the high court in interpreting the Australian constitution, and acting as a political institution in the Australian system of governance.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The role of the High Court in interpreting the laws Considering that all the constitutional rights of appeal bestowed upon the Privy Council have been abolished in the recent past, it is certain that the Australian constitution allows the High Court to interpret the laws (Singleton et al., 2009, p.65). This implies that all the constitutional cases including appeals originating from different jurisdictions, which bear a greater political significance to the federal government, are referred to the High Court. Here, it is worth noting that most constitutional cases are based on disagreements involving the balance of power between the federal and the state governments particularly in matters dealing with trade, banking, and arbitrations (Singleton et al., 2009, p. 65; Wiltshire, 2008, p. 31). Thus, the decisions made by the High Court regarding these cases can have far-reaching implications since they form the framework for decisions made by other cou rts several years later. Accordingly, since its inception, the High court’s rulings have been centered on controlling the federal powers, giving wider interpretations of the federal powers, sustaining the role played by the Commonwealth in governance without bias, and as can be noted from the recent developments, the High Court is engaged in providing additional interpretations of the powers held by the federal government (Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 105). However, of particular interest in this respect is the court’s role in the Engineers case whereby it was decided that the federal adjudication powers as provided in section 51(xxxv) of the constitution could also apply in other parts of the country including Western Australia (Singleton et al., 2009, p. 66; Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 115). Additionally, regarding the Engineers case, the High Court is said to have given the Commonwealth the full control over worker’s wages at the national level.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the High Court in Australia’s system of government specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In so doing, the court can be regarded to as playing the role of reshaping the constitutional interpretations put forward in 1901, and thus, providing a framework upon which the disagreements arising between the Commonwealth and the States can be solved. Here, the court played the role of a constitutional adjudicator considering that despite enlarging the legislative powers of the Commonwealth on one hand, it also confined these powers on the other hand. Further, it is to be noted that the majority of the court was of the idea that the interpretation of the constitution should be based on its original wording, and not on implied prohibitions or implied immunity, which were two major doctrines used by the courts in the early 1900s (Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 119). Therefore, by giving the constitution its nor mal word meaning, the High Court extended the powers of the Commonwealth to cover some aspects, which were initially prohibited by interpreting the laws on the basis of the drafters’ wishful meanings of the constitutional wording. However, it should be noted that this broader interpretation of the laws was not meant to give the federal government an upper hand, but it served to check almost all aspects of governance, and to maintain the balance of power between the federal and state governments (Wiltshire, 2008, p. 35). The role of the High Court as a political institution If we had to examine what the drafters of the Australian constitution had in mind, it is certain that they wanted to develop the US-system of the judiciary, which performs various functions such as the federal judicial review (Banks, 2007, p. 18). Here, the role played by the High Court entails examining the laws made in both the Commonwealth and the State legislatures in order to ensure that they fall with in the provisions of the constitution.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Accordingly, considering that disputes could arise between the federal and state governments such as the one discussed above, there is the paramount need to have a mediator who should be impartial and unconcerned with issues raised by either party in order for justice to be served. This role could not fit any institution apart from the Australian High Court. As a result, the High Court can be regarded to as an arbiter of federalism or an advocate of the Australian constitution (Patapan, 2010, p.168). It then follows that the decisions made by the High Court will have extensive political implications. For instance, during the war-time in 1942, the federal government came up with a legislation meant to control the overall income tax, a move which was challenged in court by the state governments (Singleton et al., 2009, p. 169). In this constitutional conflict, the High Court ruled in favor of the federal government, and thus gave the Commonwealth the authority to implement uniform tax ation at the national level. This implied that the state governments could not impose their own taxes outside those implemented by the Commonwealth. Besides, it is to be noted that the court also gave a broader meaning of section 90, which entails the Excise, and thus limiting the taxation power of the Commonwealth in some aspects. These decisions of the court point to the fact that it plays a political role in that the High Court has the power to look into the actions of both the legislature and the executive in order to determine whether those actions fall within the exact meaning of the constitution. Furthermore, the case shows instances where the High Court can annul some actions of the executive, which may not be based on proper interpretation of the constitution. Moreover, this case is one of many instances where the High Court came in to help solve constitutional conflicts arising from wrong interpretation of the constitution or obscure laws (Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 105). Her e, it is also important to note that the High Court was acting purely within its constitutional mandate, which dictates that such conflicts be treated as legal questions irrespective of the impending political consequences. Overall, the court’s decisions show that the High Court judges understand their role in the political sphere and judicial review (Patapan, 2010, p. 169). References List Banks, R 2007, Hot topics: legal issues in plain language, Legal Information Access Centre, Australia. Patapan, H 2010, High court, (Insert the publisher and the Town for the book you scanned for me). Singleton et al. 2009, High court, (Insert the publisher and the Town for the book that you scanned for me). Ward, T Stewart, R 2010, Politics one (4th ed), Palgrave MacMillan, Australia. Wiltshire, K 2008, ‘Australian federalism: the business perspective’, The University of New South Wales Law Journal, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 31-45.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Managerial Economics - Essay Example It happens because when the number of firms is few, any change in the price or quality of the products by one company will have an immediate and direct impact on the other companies. When this happens, it is highly likely that the rivals will immediately respond with similar or more aggressive changes. Thus, in oligopoly, companies remain in constant vigil about the actions and reactions of their opponents (Bolotova et al 2005). Also, companies will hesitate to adopt any such tactics to gain market share because the rivals will immediately respond with similar strategies (ibid). When this happens, it seems that most of the companies start giving more attention to advertising and selling costs. As other strategies will not work, companies try to increase their advertisement in order to achieve maximum sale. Similarly, companies will start reducing selling costs so that profits can be maximised. Yet another important feature is price rigidity. In an oligopoly system, prices often remai n rigid because firms are afraid of making changes because of the price-war (Liu & Serfes 2006) Another important point to be mentioned here is the importance of strategy. To illustrate, in oligopoly, it is highly necessary for firms to be careful about their own strategies because they cannot act independently. It is highly necessary for them to decide when to collude with their rivals and when to compete with them. Also, it is highly necessary to be careful while raising or lowering the prices. Admittedly, these features lure the companies to collude in order to reduce uncertainty and also to enjoy monopoly and higher profits. These firms often engage in various forms of collusion, ranging from overt collusion, covert collusion, and tacit collusion. Overt collusion occurs when firms openly engage in agreements like trade associations. Covert collusion is kept hidden in order to hide the results of the collusion. Thirdly, tacit collusion is the result when all firms in an oligopoly act in concert even without the existence of an agreement. One of the most notorious cases of collusion is the lysine price-fixing conspiracy. It took place in the mid 1990s, and various companies from various countries were involved. They were Archer Daniels Midland from the US, Japan companies named Ajinomoto and Kyowa Hakko Kogyo, Korean companies named Sewon America Inc. and Cheil Jedang Ltd. These companies colluded to raise the price of an important animal feed additive called lysine. It is seen that these companies, through the price-fixing, managed to raise the price of the product by 70% (Liski & Montero 2006). Thus, it becomes evident that the cartel helped the companies to raise their profit through gaining monopoly (ibid). It is found that in a perfect market, it is not possible for companies to collude easily because the decisions of a few companies will not impact the market as a whole. However, in an oligopoly market, the collective decision taken by a few companies will have significant impact on the whole market. This will give the companies monopoly and increased profits. Very similar is the case of the beer companies Heineken, Grolsch, and Bavaria, which made a price-fixing deal in Holland, monopolising beer distribution. In fact, these companies collectively controlled 95% of the Holland beer market (Brue & Mcconnell 2006, p. 210). Through collusion, they increased the beer price
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Dissertation Premise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dissertation Premise - Assignment Example Therefore, the paper will explore the impact of director of nursing and director of social services leadership styles on psychosocial well-being of nursing home residents. Relationship existing between nursing homes and leadership styles of nursing directors has a significant influence on the care quality. Nursing directors cooperate with administrators in establishing a long-term relationship with residents of nursing homes in order to foster a culture that can support development of the team. However, there are limited building preparations for the leaders of nursing homes, which cause limits on the leadership. On the other hand, administrators are focusing on adopting various initiatives that facilitate collaboration with nursing directors and social service directors to establish effective delivery teams. There are changes occurring in management of the old leadership in relations to personal behaviors and adaptation of new ones (Dixon, 2006). In this case, this paper will focus on the current study that results to offering relevant information concerning leadership in nursing homes and the roles of the individual teams that has resulted to impact on the psychosocial well-being of nursing home residents. According to Allen (2008), data obtained from the government indicates that control of the administrative leader on the care quality and services has a significant psychosocial well-being of nursing home residents. This has been attributed to recommendations by the regulators to foster changes that facilitate a culture embracing residents of nursing homes. Furthermore, embracing the residents of nursing homes focuses on their humanistic values and care that is personalized home like settings (Weiner & Ronch, 2006). There are conventional care models established by nursing and director of social services aimed at addressing the long term issues in the care environment that has an impact on psychosocial well-being of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Plagiarism Essay Example for Free
Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism is taking credit in terms of the words, ideas as your own without implicit or explicit expression of the owner or proper referencing. It can be defined in simple terms as presenting other peoples work including the work of fellow students, academicians, researchers, magazines, newspapers, whether electronic or non electronic as your own without proper citation. It involves use of ideas, opinion or facts may be taken from another source which is either oral or written but are not common knowledge. The issue common knowledge is subjective and debatable. Plagiarism takes many forms such as including words, opinions and ideas in academic paper without citing the source. This may be intentional or an intentional. In some instances it will be copying, cutting and pasting from electronic sources, borrowing a document without proper reference, presenting a research paper. A student may reproduce theories, formulas, opinions and ideas and without proper citing or acknowledgement of the original owners. It is always prudent for a student or any other person to worry of plagiarism since it waters down the purpose of the academic paper presented. Students always are caught with various forms of plagiarism such as; direct quoting of the actual work of a person without taking credit and this has serous repercussions. There are instances that Using somebody’s ideas as your own, forming opinions on somebody’s research and assuming that it is yours. It also takes the form of paraphrasing ideas opinions words theories as if you are the originator. Borrowing facts, statistics or any other materials can also amount to plagiarism. It may also take a form of careless use documents copying and poor citing. Attitude towards plagiarism Plagiarism is deception act that should be punished at costs. It is an immoral act that portrays the writers’ inability read and comprehends ideas, opinions, and other materials and inability to cite and reference. The level of plagiarism is not an issue when considering the ability of the writer to be able to write a good paper. What matters is ability to write a document independent In my opinion I feel plagiarism is part of piracy although it occurs in academic circles. Take an instance of a person presenting plagiarized papers to academic institution. American universities have many penalties for plagiarism. They range from expulsion to reaping the papers depending on the level of plagiarism. Some levels of plagiarism such as cut and paste, copying a colleague’s work, wrong paraphrasing, and quoting direct without citing the originator will carry different penalties. Strategies of avoiding plagiarism There are many strategies that can be used to avoid plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism one must give credit or acknowledge the originator of the opinion idea or theory that has been used. Issues like facts graphs drawings, graphs which are borrowed from a certain source must be acknowledged and the source be acknowledged. Speeches or paraphrases must also be taken care of. Taking credit may be in a form of citing which is an authority to allow one to use the information that is not his. It also ensures the future users of your documents are able to tress and locate the original data. Plagiarism is theft of intellectual property, I totally agree with this statement, taking some ones quality work presenting as if it belongs to you is same as stealing another person’s brain and use it to earn yourself fame and money. This is the most discouraging thing for writers and artists, it threatens the industry of art and can halt this interesting and important industry in our society. Most amazing is the way comedians steals each others lines and even some times even the listeners get bored, they just don’t want to come up with new words, song writers repeat the same lines too, and for along time we only listen to same words and similar lines sing with a different tunes. People just fall to use their intelligence and steal from one another, this should be ended if people want to grow intellectually measures should be put to curb plagiarism and people be warned of the dangers of plagiarism and its effects Plagiarism can be avoided by all means if we want intelligent work, this bad practice can ruin our generation especially through the internet , a lot of discipline can be installed in learning institution and make sure that whoever is caught plagiarizing is punished or even expelled from the institution, this will encourage student to work hard genuinely . Harsh penalties should be passed for anyone caught copying another persons work and especially those found to be selling it and these thieves should be prosecuted in court and let them be an example for others. This would instill fear and reduces cases of this illegal practice and at the same time encourage people to come up with original work and ideas of their own and ideas of their own, and in this way the will be a lot of quality work in the market and employment opportunities created as more work force will be needed when the market gets busy and the profits are high. Plagiarism can be avoided by all means if we want intelligent work, this bad practice can ruin our generation especially through the internet , a lot of discipline can be installed in learning institution and make sure that whoever is caught plagiarizing is punished or even expelled from the institution, this will encourage student to work hard genuinely . Harsh penalties should be passed for anyone caught copying another persons work and especially those found to be selling it and these thieves should be prosecuted in court and let them be an example for others. This would instill fear and reduces cases of this illegal practice and at the same time encourage people to come up with original work and ideas of their own and ideas of their own, and in this way the will be a lot of quality work in the market and employment opportunities created as more work force will be needed when the market gets busy and the profits are high.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Marketing Strategy Of Starbucks And Its Effectiveness Marketing Essay
The Marketing Strategy Of Starbucks And Its Effectiveness Marketing Essay Brand recognition is crucial factor in business growth where customers readily pay premium prices for robust brands. Consumers feel satisfaction while consuming a brand that attracts strong loyalty to them. Brand yields not only expression for external stakeholders but for internal environment as well. Employees feel pleasant to work hard for the success of company and consider companys achievements as their own success that enhances organizational efficiency (Ljiljana StankoviĆ¡, 2006). Marketing connects company with customers and influence on consumer consumption habits. Latest marketing trends and technologies make value addition and steady revenue stream towards company. Marketing communication means create demand of organizational goods and services. Chief marketing officers and brand manager designations are common in marketing departments of organization. Organizations deploy adequate marketing budgets for brand management and creation of sound customer base (Kotler Keller, 2009). Consistent change management is the essence of marketing management where stagnant position of company is its failure. Importance of marketing communications in globalized environment is potential cause of choice of this topic for the sake of research and analysis report. The Starbucks has positioned its brand in the market as a high quality customer experience brand. Starbucks sells its high quality products and services at premium prices. The high quality of products and good customer experiences are the main differentiators of its brand from other coffee brands in the market. The Starbucks has designed its stores on theme of Italian bars. The Starbucks provides a home like experience to its customers. The customers of Starbucks are very loyal to the Starbucks brand. The Starbucks gives very first priority to customer satisfaction in order to form a loyal customer base of its brand. The Starbucks focuses on customer relationship management by integrating communication with customers. Research report would analyze coffee retailing industrys marketing trends by making comparative analysis of Starbucks with McDonald. The marketing of brand is very important in order to promote products of brand among the target market. The Starbucks uses word of mouth marketing for promoting its products among customers. The customers appreciate the coffee taste and environment of coffee shops of Starbucks. Starbucks has used comfortable and elegant furniture design, soft music playing on background, messages on coffee cups and visual art in a coffee shop. The Starbucks is the name of comfortableness, fascination, satisfaction, smartness, and enjoyment of life (Hanft, 2005). Starbuck is recognized as a cultural brand because it connects itself with cultures of regions and countries. Cultural nature of Starbuckss brand is the reason of choice of company for the sake of review of marketing strategies of an organization and its effectiveness. McDonald is considered for comparative analysis. The report would conduct critical analysis of Starbuckss marketing strategies by making comparison with McDonald Company. Research Objectives The research report aims to discuss attributes of marketing strategies of Starbucks and its impact on the achievement of organizational goals. Starbuckss marketing is aligned with the cultural attributes of local market where company undertakes local marketing trends by accounting customers needs analysis. Starbucks brand adopt differentiation as market competitive strategies in spite of slow down economy. Company does not bother about price competitive tactics of competitors so the report would focus on brand elements that secure its leadership of quality. Research objectives are given below: To analyze cultural attributes of Starbucks brand and uniqueness from other brands. To examine corporate social responsibility campaign of Starbucks and its impact on brand building. To consider brand differentiation strategies of company and rapid expansion strategy analysis of organization. To assess long term objectives of Starbucks to aid its marketing strategies and achievement of company objectives. Research Approach and Research Questions What are brand attributes of Starbucks that make it differentiated from other brands? What is role of strong experience that company deliver along with taste of products? What are growth opportunities for Starbucks in emerging markets by virtue of its international marketing strategies? What is the role marketing in organizational growth and strengthening sound customer base? The exploratory and explanatory research approaches can be helpful to analyze market strategies of Starbucks while answering above described research questions. The explanatory research describes the process of marketing strategies of Starbucks (Johnson Christensen, 2011). The explanatory research describes variables in the context of a research study. The explanatory research describes the nature of research variables in the research study. In explanatory research first of all target population is defined, then the sample is selected from a target population, data analysis is conducted and then the conclusion is drawn. The explanatory research is very helpful in order to study behaviour, culture, demographics, attitudes and belief of Starbucks customers. On the other hand, exploratory research is used to study new dimensions of a research area. The exploratory research is more vibrant and comprehensive than explanatory research. In exploratory research qualitative research tools are used in order to conduct a research study. The primary data are used in order to conduct an exploratory research. A problem statement may be designed in order to conduct an exploratory research. However, inductive research design is feasible in answering the research questions and addressing research objectives. My area of research is coffee retailing industry so individual cases of Starbucks would be studied to generalize the marketing trends and tactics of company on overall industry. The philosophy of inductive research approach is to study particular cases and scenarios in order to generalize the conclusions on targeted population. Part B-Business Techniques used for data collection Research Methodology The secondary data collection techniques are used in order to conduct research study. The information collected by using primary data is picked from the source of information generation. The primary data collection methods are surveys, pilot studies, focus group studies, interviews and observations. The primary data is concrete and free from any bias. The research can get more relevant information by using the primary data collection technique. The primary data collection is more objective oriented than secondary data collection technique. The quantitative and qualitative techniques are used in order to interpret the primary data and conclude the findings of a research study. The disadvantages of primary data are that, it takes a lot of time to collect primary data. Sometimes, it is very costly to collect primary data. Substantial amount of resources are required in order to collect primary data so researcher avoids using primary data due to scarcity of resources. On the other side, secondary data collection resources pick up second hand information conveniently where information is already available in this case. It includes corporate reports, corporate websites, books, journals, articles, case studies, documented information. Above prescribed information sources would be used to analyze and review marketing strategies of Starbucks and its effectiveness in organizational goals accomplishments. In order to answer the research problems and questions, secondary information sources can be conveniently used. Although, secondary information sources are easily approachable and retrievable but challenging things include credibility of source, quantity of biased information, conflict of objective between author and researcher. Case Study Approach Case study is regarded as most convenient research methodology to review the marketing effectiveness of Starbucks. Case study would consider the best in class marketing communication tools including social media marketing to aid the organizational growth by Starbucks. It is evident that international marketing strategy of Starbucks is primary cause of success of organization being the essential tool of strategic management. Case study method defines and explores the research dimensions and research areas (Kotzab et al., 2005). Case studies of company and its competitors would be studied including annual reports and corporate website information to analyze and conclude best industry practices while recommending future directions to company. Starbucks heavily relies on unconventional marketing strategies like word of mount and social media strategies. Starbuckss brand strongly emphasizes on providing high quality to customers while delivering delicious taste at premium prices. In-store atmosphere is most important at Starbucks brand to deliver world class coffee experience. It means that area of research for case study approach is wider in analyzing different dimensions of Starbuckss marketing. Problem Statement Following problem statement is defined to consider different research dimensions for current research by case study approach. Objectives of company are related to provision of high quality and fresh coffee experience. Company always tries to satisfy customers, contribute in the community development programs, environmental campaigns, provision of pleasant and friendly work environment, business diversification, setting highest standards for purchasing raw materials (coffee beans). In addition, it improves the roasting quality to increase profitability, which enhances the shareholders confidence that is essential for the success of future development strategies (Khattab et al., 2008). All of the above stated objectives appear to have potentials of long term objectives. The company objectives seem to be acceptable, suitable, understandable and flexible in nature. However, there is a problem in its measurability and achievability because most of them are without any benchmark for assessment and are ongoing. Motivation of objectives is reduced by difficulty of progress measurement (Steiner, 2001). Application of Models SWOT SWOT analysis is used for assessment of the strategic position of the company in the current environment. The SWOT framework consists of four elements called strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors while opportunities and threats are considered as external factors (David, 2011). It is widely used strategic framework due to its simplicity and convenient application in almost every situation. SWOT framework would confirm how Starbucks utilizes cross selling (selling different product to existing customer) and up selling (selling upgraded or expensive version of same product to customer) marketing tactics to customers. It also analyzes the way Starbucks offers high class coffee drinking experience to its customers. Likewise, SWOT model reviews the company competitive advantages including offering best in class coffee experience by offering coffee drinking with inside store experience that act as unique selling proposition. Formulation of unique selling proposition is main point of our concern to apply SWOT. Starbucks is getting fame in Europe, US, Canada, and Japan that is being marketed and distributed by e-commerce retailing, foodservice accounts, merchandise stores, food and drug stores, which are opportunities at Starbucks. Opportunity analysis is the area of scope in SWOT where coffee appeals to youth having age range of 18-24 years that has strong proportion in Asian fast growing economies. Limitations of SWOT SWOT is too short and simple which unable to cover all aspects of the environment in which Starbucks operates that leads to strategic errors in the analysis. The decision based on SWOT analysis sometimes might be wrong but this limitation overcome by using other detailed framework with a SWOT (Pickton Wright, 1998). The SWOT framework used on the basis of assumption which sometimes might be untrue in the future. SWOT has an inherent limitation because there are rare chances that two people come up with the same results due to its subjective nature (Pehlchen, 2005). SWOT produces lots of information but all are not useful because sometimes one factor is a threat but at the same time it becomes an opportunity (Henry, 2008). SWOT is ineffective in the current dynamic environment where the pace of technology development change everything. Particularly, SWOT analysis may be conducted separately for emerging economies and developed countries in the regions of Starbucks. Dynamic nature of limitation might be reduced by conducting the SWOT on regular basis. Marketing Mix Marketing mix is widely used by organizations to understand the needs of customers which enable organizations to provide level of products and services as per expectations. In order to achieve success in the marketing campaigns, organizations need to understand their target market and their expected levels of products or services (Kotler et al., 2006). Starbucks has used aggressive strategies to sustain its position as a market leader due to intense competitive rivalry in the service industry. Starbucks has adopted branding strategy due to which it changed the logo that is more focused and highlights the sustainability of company policies. Seven attributes of marketing mix are demonstrated as product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical environment. (e-Marketing Mixology, 2012) The main objective of marketing mix program is to create communication and deliver value to customers. The Starbucks is using different marketing strategies like customer relationship management, integrated marketing communication, creating a good customer experience and social media marketing. The objective of Starbucks is to share its customer experience with consumers from low income groups and develops a long term relationships with them. The weak point of marketing mix strategy is that it focuses on short term goals and ignores the long term interests of a company. Research Ethics There are ethical issues involved in research like plagiarism and privacy of respondents. My project mentor has advised me to make your work original in order to avoid the plagiarism issue. I will use my own content in order avoid any plagiarism issue. The disciplinary committee of OBU will take action in case of plagiarism. I have given proper references of my research work in order to avoid any issues of copyright violation. I have used Harvard referring style in order to meet the guidelines of my university. Limitations of Research Primary data collection sources could not be used due to scarcity of time and required resources. Adequate methods of data collection, arrangement, processing and interpretation, analysis and conclusion could not be used. Researcher bias cannot be eliminated during research process (Creswell, 2009). Limited access to the confidential nature of information necessary for the sake of organizational analysis (Lancaster, 2005). Qualitative research design requires more information technology tools than quantitative one (Johnson Christensen, 2011). Conflict between the goals of researcher and author limit the credibility of research findings and analysis. Part C-Analysis, Conclusion, and Recommendations Brand Differentiation Strategy The Starbucks has adopted a brand differentiation strategy through product uniqueness and product differentiation in order to promote its products. Starbucks has used innovation in its products and services in order to gain competitive advantage in the market. The Starbucks has positioned itself best coffee brand in the market by providing attractive store design, unique environment, elegant taste and high quality coffee beans (Kotler Keller, 2009). The main target market of Starbucks is customers from professionals, businessmen, students, tourists and students of colleges and universities. The Starbucks customizes its products and services according to the tastes and culture of different regions and countries. Starbucks has opened its coffee shops in other countries in order to introduce its products and services to customers of international market. Recently, Starbucks has announced to open its first coffee shop in India. Marketing SWOT Strengths It delivers value added entertainment services as add-ons at its premises. Starbucks renders free Wi-Fi internet access in US and Canada the company owned chain of stores. Starbucks sticks customers at its stores to spend adequate time inside the store by offering web based internet portal and digital network. Its digital network allows subscribed editions of New York Times, Economist, ESPN insider, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today (Corporation, 2010). Starbucks services for in-store customers include particular download options of iTunes and e-Books. Up selling merchandise of company includes accessories, books, apparel, movies, and music. Company markets and sells its products through four channels as food service operations, consumer packaged goods, licensed stores, and companys owned chain of retail stores (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Companys competitive advantage regarding distribution strategy includes approaching customers while they are at shop, dining, travelling, and at work through formulating strong distribution network (Kotler et al., 2005). Manufacturing process of fruit juices and beverages is best in class than competitors. In order to retain natural ingredients, company prepares beverages by high pressure pasteurization (HHP) process to preserve nutrients of juices (Starbucks Corporation, 2012). In addition to stores experience and robust process of HHP, healthy beverages portfolio is also source of unique selling proposition. Starbucks has offered convenient purchase options through smart phone mobile apps. Mobile application payment option generates barcode to be usable in targeted stores. Purchasing is made by Starbucks card mobile app with the use of scanner. Customers can reload balance through PayPal. This payment option is considered as most flexible and convenient for customers because its processing is fast. Company has launched two iPhone applications for customers namely Starbucks card mobile and my Starbucks. Card mobile application allows enjoying the useful features of Starbucks card and mobile commerce features (Kharif, 2012). Company also launched mobile commerce features for Android smart phones. Company is gaining competitive edge in rendering mobile commerce transactions while leveraging technology to cater customers. On the other side, companys strong operating performance is aiding its global expansion strategy despite the poor consumer response due to weak economy. Weaknesses Company has been forced to close down 475 coffee locations of Seattles best due to impairment of assets (Thomson Reuters , 2012). Closing down of companys stores in significant amount would result in reduction in profitability. Starbucks has caused product recalls in 2011 where US food safety and agriculture department has reported bacteria issues in ready to eat chicken meals of Starbucks. Similarly, company has recalled its different products like glass water bottles causing laceration hazard whereas safety commission of consumer products ordered to close down 530,000 units of Starbucks (Scheunemann, 2010). Opportunities Starbucks is in strong need to establish robust distribution strategy to beat the competition. Most of Americans like natural ingredients in soft drinks including nectars, carbonated beverages and juices. Americans are getting more health conscious than ever. US organic food market is fast growing business segment where competitors of Starbucks are growing in wellness and health program (, 2012). Starbucks has decided to execute brand distribution strategy by retail stores of company and adoption of additional channels. New juice bars of company would sell fresh vegetables and fruit juices to deliver true captivating experience. Company is of the opinion that to reflect beverage natural ingredients and adopt new look of store (Starbucks Corporation, 2012). Inside walls of Starbucks contain entertaining and knowledgeable contents on juices and smoothies (sweetened beverage including peanut butter and chocolate). Starbucks is targeting the China and Indian markets that have largest population in world. China is getting fast paced economic development where disposable income of middle income people is increasing (White, 2011). There is great opportunity for Starbucks to meet growing demand of consumer products. Starbucks has formulated aggressive expansion plan in India and China (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Starbucks is targeting the demographic factors in its marketing strategy. Company is registering its strong operational performance in China that is quite positive symptom for brand marketing opportunities (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Situational analysis of India reveals that Indians are tea addicted. However, living standard and income level of middle income group of Indians is growing that is strong inclination toward coffee consumption. In India, there is 75,000 tonnes of coffee consumption as compared to 700,000 consumption of tea (AOL Inc., 2011). These statistics reveal that there is untapped market in India for coffee. Starbucks has made joint venture agreement with Tata group named as Tata Starbucks Limited and Tata Coffee Limited where Tata Coffee is supplier of Tata Starbucks (Starbucks Inc, 2012). Starbucks is creating local alliances in Asian markets to tap fast growing economies. Starbucks has entered into agreement with Courtesy Products to deliver on demand and in-room coffee service in more than 500,000 US luxury hotels (Starbucks Inc , 2011). Likewise, Starbucks made another agreement with Green Mountain for licensing, distribution, marketing, and manufacturing, and sale of coffee brands. Threats Starbucks operates in highly competitive environment that demands continuous improvement in quality from speciality stores and restaurants including strong competitor of McDonald (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Raw material prices of Starbucks may increase causing in enhanced prices of manufacturing costs (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Brazil and Columbia are largest producers of Arabica beans that have served limited production causing decreased supply (Walsh, 2011). Due to low supply, Starbucks may have to face challenges in meeting desired standards of quality (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Starbucks has offered espresso beverages at home where customers are becoming habitual to enjoy same quality products of company at home as quality of verismo is same like that of brewed coffee that is served for in-store customers (Starbucks Inc, 2011). It means they would visit stores in lesser numbers. In India and China, McDonald has already catered brand loyalty and customer coverage (Kotler Keller, 2009). Howard Schultz strategies are strongly criticized due to its announcement of closure of 600 US stores. It is argued that premium brand image of Starbucks is difficult to maintain where CEO may have to cut the prices and inside stores experience is no longer attractive to customers (Quelch, 2008). Rapid expansion strategy of company and new products offerings are blamed. Critics argue that McDonald has improved its coffee quality at substantial lower prices but it is challenging for Starbucks to maintain its offerings at higher prices. Marketing Mix of Starbucks Product The Starbucks product portfolio includes premium coffee, high quality tea, cold and Italian beverages. Iced tea, lattes, hot or cold tea and lemonades are the top flavours of Toza team. Starbucks uses cultural phenomenon in the development of product portfolio which is key to its brand success. Starbucks makes double shots; Starbucks discovers innovative product attributes whereas it has launched milk drinks in the UK market (Starbucks Inc, 2010). The company is always trying to enhance its product portfolio and diversified in complement products with its coffee, company also owned a number of bookstores in Canada and USA. The company has enough strategies but it should need diversification and innovation in its product portfolio to achieve further advancement in its objectives and goals. Price Starbucks charges premium prices for its products from customers as compared to its competitors (Lee, 2007). Starbucks believes in the brand differentiation strategy with quality and natural taste at premium prices and does not involve itself in price war strategies. Starbucks provides the pleasant environment and wonderful service attributes along with the taste of its product which enable the company to charge for that attributes also not just a cup of coffee at cafà ©s. All these attributes in one place and in one premium price add value to the customer experience and create loyalty. Overall the prices of coffee fall in the USA but not in the Starbucks stores and cafà ©s which shows how much company focused on premium prices (Fottrell, 2012). In comparison, McDonalds charged low prices as compared to Starbucks that creates a new rivalry and serious threat for the Starbucks (Krasny, 2012). Place The company has more than 17,000 stores in more than 55 countries (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Tokyo in Japan was the first international place for the Starbucks coffee house in 1996 (Starbucks Corporation, 2012). The company also has a virtual existence through its website. Starbucks acquired its rival the Diedrich Coffee chain of cafà ©s in 2006 to enhance its geographical presence and market penetration (Hirsch, 2006). In order to enhance its presence in North America, Starbucks struck a deal with Green Mountain Coffee Roasters in 2011 (Ropes Gray , 2011). Starbucks coffee and other products are located at schools, movie theatres, business organizations, grocery stores, department stores, airports and railway stations etc. Promotion The company has used various means of communication with customers like print media, TV ads, social media and the companys website. The company also operates a website for its customers where they interact with each other and give new ideas and suggestions related to service improvements, which is the best medium for retention of customers. Company use print media ads like The Time ads to promote its products and coffee houses. The main focus of advertising channels is on the promotion of high quality of its products and services. Overall the company is successful in its growth strategies but in 2008 its sales has declined due to its excessive focus on expansion and growth strategies (BBC News Inc, 2011). Social media like Facebook, Twitter, blogs and companys own website is used for creating virtual communities and forums which helps in the management of the customer relationship. Especially, the company website ( is used for customer feedbacks and suggestions regarding the products and service add-ons that help to keep in touch with its customers. The company also works with communities and sponsor the sports events for the sake of customer relationship management. In order to attract the sports lovers it struck an innovative deal with ESPN for developing sports learning centre. ESPN is famous worldwide among the sports lovers. This collaboration with ESPN further enhances the customer base of Starbucks (Kotler Armstrong, 2008). In order to sustain the huge campaign to attract new loyal customer bases, its needs integrated marketing communication methods. By using this approach, company is able to use various marketing channels at once that also provide most suitable use of advertising budget and resources. The company spent 1.6% of the revenue in the form of advertising and promotion expenses (Starbucks Inc, 2011). Processes The company has used various technologies in its processes and keep trying to improve them. Improvement in the product and service delivery is the main part in the process strategy of the Starbucks. Blue printing techniques like flowcharts and diagrammatic presentations are used for planning and improvement in processes for the customer services, which is based on forecasting, artificial intelligence and simulation concepts (Young Burgess, 2010). The company uses the proactive approach in the change management process of mapping the customer service process. Blue printing techniques are most widely used as feasible service tools in hospitality sector in which Starbucks operates to enhance the customer service experience (Woo Brotherton, 2008). People Starbucks has very good scope in the Europe because European people are coffee lovers. Starbucks is providing them a quality products and services at premium prices that are satisfying their expectations. Management has focused on expansion strategies to reach far in the whole Europe by opening a chain of coffee houses. Young age customers are the prime target of Starbucks. The company also tries to attract old age customers by providing them combination of different products and pleasant environment. Cultural values and attitude of people regarding the coffee provides an opportunity for Starbucks to deepen its footprint in the European market. The demand of coffee houses has increased from $8.9 billion to $10 billion in the Europe (Hilowitz, 2009). The company also focuses on its employees by providing them career development opportunities and training programs. Employees are also the part of its mission statement and considered essential part of the organizational strategy. Physical Environment The pleasant and friendly environment in all coffee houses provides a wonderful experience which helps to attract more customers. Free Wi-Fi access, entertaining music, unique combination of lighting, well mannered and trained employees, unique pieces of art collection and comfortable chairs are the add-ons with one cup of coffee or tea which attracts customers (Khattab et al., 2008). The Starbucks sitting environment is very much supportive to students, readers and researchers that provide a delightful experience. On the contrary, McDonald staff delivers best in class hospitality experience by time management, responsibility, customer service skills, teamwork, and leadership calibre (McDonald Inc, 2012). Social Media and other Marketing Tools at Starbucks Female class is more loyal customer of Starbucks than male where customer profile of company includes professional, educated, and wealthier than average Americans (Kotler Keller, 2009). As customers of Starbucks grow Starbucks experience also matures. Starbucks experience is more exciting to new customer than previous one. Although, McDonald and Dunkins donuts sell premium quality coffee but still Starbucks is preferable option for customer. Schultz never believes in competing with cost competitive coffee houses rather it aims to offer intimate and warm services at its stores. Starbucks lets the consumers believe that Starbucks is the only coffee destination sought by them. In order to meet the challenges of slow down economy, Starbucks had laid down its workforce to serve its cash strapped custome
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
JM Smucker Company Essay
The history of the J.M. Smucker Company is reviewed and demonstrates the evolution of the company. Business strategies and the importance of business intelligence systems are examined, concerning how the company conducts business. The company’s growth processes resulting from acquisitions and brand awareness are reviewed. Innovative plans implemented continually within the company are mentioned. The importance of people is stressed throughout the company and in the public eye. The J.M. Smucker Company continues to hold fast to the same values that the company began with over one hundred years ago. The J.M. Smucker Company Although the J.M. Smucker Company (SJM) began by selling its apple cider, for many years now it has been well known for its jams and jellies. Today, however, the company has expanded into several other markets within the food industry. They have continued to grow through acquisitions and name brand awareness. The company has a strong vision and holds to its moral ideals and values throughout its business activities. Smucker’s continually develops new product ideas to expand its peanut butter and jelly market. Additionally, the J.M. Smucker Company remains the leading producer of jam and jellies and is known for its quality products. History Jerome Monroe Smucker established the J.M. Smucker Company in 1897 as a cider mill in a small community in Orrville, Ohio about an hour south of Cleveland. Interestingly, Smucker’s apples used for cider came from an orchard that had been originally planted by Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) himself. However, due to the cyclical nature of apples, Jerome needed to find another source of revenue that would enable earnings throughout the year; thus, he decided to sell apple butter that he made using his grandfather’s recipe. His grandfather’s recipe provided him with a competitive advantage that no one else at the time seemed to have. The recipe used a secret method that captured the vapors typically lost in the process that permeated into the apple butter introducing a unique flavor drawing many customers to his mill and creamery (CEO, 2001). As a result of his unique apple butter, Smucker earned a positive reputation, took pride in his work, and began stamping his name on every crock of apple butter sold. The Smucker name continues to be a part of their packaging symbolizing a guarantee in quality that has spanned five generations of the Smucker’s family. The Smucker’s company continued to flourish as Jerome’s eldest son, Willard, delivered twenty-five cent, half-gallon crocks to customers using a wagon and was producing revenues of almost $60,000 as early as 1915 with a net profit of nearly $3,000 per year. In 1921, the J.M. Smucker Company became incorporated and already had an extensive line of quality preserves and jellies made from whole fruit and/or pure fruit juice. The company remained privately owned by Jerome and all of his children, sons and daughters. Its products were distributed throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana by way of the railroad and due to the large scale of volume, the Pennsylvania Railroad built a special siding to the Smucker plant in 1928 (History, n.d.). A railroad siding is an additional piece of track usually designated for specific usage, for the J.M. Smucker company for example, that runs alongside and connects to a main track at either end (Railroad, n.d.). The company was well on i ts way to expanding into the successful business it is today. Business Activities Packaging From the earliest of times, SJM strategized on how to improve its business activities to increase revenues while maintaining its quaint image reflecting the family’s strong conservative beliefs, which it holds onto dearly. Upon analyzing its packaging in 1938, the company realized there must be a better way to package its goods as opposed to its familiar crocks that were cumbersome and heavy to ship. Willard came up with the idea to use glass jars with an image of a pioneer woman boiling apple butter on the front that upheld Smucker’s reputation of old-fashioned quality (History, n.d.). Customers loved the new packaging, sales exceeded one million dollars in 1939, and the National Packaging Show awarded the organization for best packaging design success. Management The business survived the depression and war years reaching its fiftieth anniversary in 1947 and Jerome Smucker lived just long enough to see it before passing away at ninety years old. His sons, Willard and Paul, continued managing the company and sought methods to promote growth and diversification. Today, Jerome’s great-grandsons, Tim and Richard Smucker, manage the company by working together as a team and sharing the duties. Five other Smucker family members work for the company as well and the brothers’ hope is that one of them has what it takes to become the Chief Executive Officer of the J.M. Smucker Company in the future (Andrejczak, 2009). Over one hundred years later, the J.M. Smucker Company still exists as a family organization with the Smucker’s family maintaining partial ownership of the company. Products and Brand Names The Smucker boys, as they are commonly referred to, have increased sales sevenfold over the last decade through recent acquisitions boosting SJM into the number one market share position in ten different categories in America’s grocery stores and becoming a power player within the food industry (Andrejczak, 2009). Besides peanut butter and jelly, its products include shortening and oils, dessert toppings, syrups, fruit and vegetable juices, waffles, and coffee. Smucker obtained many of its products via acquisitions to expand its product line while focusing on major brands. Through the process, some of its brand names now include Crisco, Crosse & Blackwell, Eagle Brand, Folgers, Pillsbury, R.W. Knudsen Family, and Dunkin’ Donuts. Most of these brands and products probably seem quite familiar to the everyday person since SJM’s primary focus is on its consumer business. However, according to Tim Smucker, the business is divided into six areas: consumer, foodservice (restaurants and hotels), specialty foods (specialty gourmet products), industrial (proprietary fruit ingredients), beverages (health and natural foods beverages), and international (fruit spreads, fruit ingredients, juices and marinades) (CEO, 2001). In addition to having well known brand products, customers have come to recognize SJM’s tag lines such as, â€Å"Choosy mothers choose Jif,†â€Å"With a name like Smucker’s it has to be good,†and â€Å"The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup†directly associated with the products. Business Strategy Although J.M. Smucker sells its products internationally, its primary growth strategy as of the mid-1990s and still today is to acquire the number one food brands in North America that sell in the center of grocery stores. Its new strategy was determined by collaborating with many people that not only included executive level employees, but also listened to the ideas and thoughts from managerial and operational level factory workers in the decision-making process (Gunther, 2010). Smucker’s formed a simple and straightforward business strategy using a repeat business model that is geographically focused (Agramonte, 2008). The company decided to reach its goals by diversifying its products via multi-branding stemming from acquisitions. The Smucker family and managers met with analysts to examine their new growth strategy planning how to achieve their goals (J.M. Smucker, n.d.). The J.M. Smucker Company moved forward with its plans acquiring three major brands and several smaller ones. Acquisitions.The top three Smucker’s acquisitions were Jif and Crisco from Procter & Gamble, International Multifoods (IMC), and Folgers. However as SJM expanded their horizons, they knew necessary technological improvements must take place to align their new acquisitions within the company, which prides itself in quality and integrity. Making use of today’s modern computer technologies and services, the company hired Edgewater Technology, an organization that specializes in mergers and acquisitions integration, to assist SJM in building a common support system involving business processes, data requirements, and implementing a common set of tools while addressing risk management (LeBaron, 2007, June). Unfortunately at the time, SJM was still undergoing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation that slowed the progression of integrating the two organizations. Additionally, the two companies contained massive amounts of data in dissimilar source formats and st ructures that needed to be transferred. Edgewater overcame the challenges due to its familiarity with SJM and knowledgeable approach successfully completing the project meeting budget and time constraints. The J.M. Smucker Company pleased with Edgewater’s previous performance, hired them again to integrate IMC plants and contract manufacturers with SJM’s Canadian production plant. Edgewater set ought to transfer IMC onto Smucker’s U.S. systems and business processes and integrate IMC’s supply chain using a cross-border strategy (Lebaron, 2007, May). The project entailed the collaboration of eleven teams and SJM created an executive-level on-line forum for identifying, reviewing, planning, and resolving any issues. The integration was completed successfully producing substantial financial benefits that Smucker’s had hoped to achieve by acquiring IMC. Information Systems SJM not only employed information technology (IT) for its acquisitions, moreover it has always sought methods to achieve improvements throughout its business processes and has invested considerable amounts of money in new technologies. For example, Smucker’s chose Oracle for several of its information system needs. Oracle is one of the better-known companies that offer numerous services in business software providing customers with the flexibility they want to match their individual IT infrastructure needs. Furthermore, Oracle’s products contain benefits such as energy efficiency, outstanding availability, superb performance, and scalability. In 2008, SJM began utilizing Oracle’s Application Integration Architecture (AIA) and Oracle’s Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration Pack for Oracle Trade Promotion Management (Oracle, 2008). In fact, Oracle stated the J.M. Smucker Company was the first customer to deploy its new AIA with its CRM In tegration Pack in 2008. AIA benefits Smucker’s by managing data flows and data synchronizations; thereby, optimizing business processes across enterprise applications. AIA is an integration structure that supplies a basis on which to build business process flows with pre-built integrations (Application, 2010). CRM, however, is a strategy designed to generate and sustain customer relationships by concentrating on downstream information flows via dependable systems and procedures (Valacich & Schneider, 2010). Many advantages such as individualized service, expeditious problem recognition and resolution, enhanced information, and better product development as a result of tracking customer behavior over time stem from CRM. Lastly, trade promotion management, enables sales and margin improvements, improves account and category management, and enhances collaboration and productivity between external and internal functions (Hand, 2008). Oracle’s Trade Promotion Management, CRM, and AIA together signi ficantly decrease IT expenses when installing and maintaining integrations. Furthermore, SJM has implemented Oracle’s Service-oriented Architecture, Identity Management, Business Intelligence Publisher, E-business Suite, and WebCenter Suite and has increased its business intelligence usage. Smucker’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) has the knowledge and leadership skills to execute enterprise-wide information systems to achieve the benefits that continue to move a company forward and sustain a technological competitive advantage. Every year the Oracle Magazine editors grant an award to people who demonstrate such leadership, commitment, and vision in managing Oracle technology (Kelly, 2009). Smucker’s CIO and Vice President of Information Services, Andy Platt, earned Oracle’s CIO of the year in North America award in 2009. Smucker’s also makes use of other technologies such as Retail Solutions Incorporated’s Promotion Execution Solution and Terra Technology’s Demand Sensing Solution adding value to SMJ’s supply chain. Demand sensing is the interpretation of downstream data with minimal delay for understanding what is being sold, who is purchasing the product, and the impact of demand shaping (Cecere & Bois, 2007). Demand shaping is a customer centric method of planning and execution aligning processes with customer demand at strategic and tactical levels (Dey & Singh, 2007). Basically, demand sensing may be thought of as a type of inventory optimization providing an effective use of resources that reduces inventory, lowers costs, and significantly lessens forecasting error by forty percent. According to the J.M. Smucker Company, it chose the demand sensing solution because the product could improve forecasting accuracy within the supply chain area (Gale Group, 2007). Further more, Terra Technology’s Demand Sensing Solution is completely compatible with Oracle products. Whereas the demand sensing solution optimizes inventory processes, Retail Solutions Incorporated’s Promotion Execution Solution enhances retail applications used within the consumer product goods (CPG) industry. Retail applications further promotional strategies by improving store level execution, reducing out-of-stocks, and maximizing the efficiency of merchandisers (Guyot, 2008). SJM selected the promotion execution solution as a supplement to its Radio Frequency Identification Tag (RFID) Analytics and On-Shelf Management already in use. The goal was to streamline J.M. Smucker’s supply chain and expand its Electronic Product Code (EPC), a family of coding schemes for Gen 2 RFID tags across multiple processes. The successful implementation of the promotion execution solution for SJM built better relationships with its retail customers. Moreover, SJM has obtained a logical decision making framework that aids in making complex promotional decisions. Electronic Commerce The Internet and World Wide Web have also fostered the J.M. Smucker Company’s use of technology. The company has utilized the Web by entering into the world of electronic commerce (e-commerce) in many sectors. The general term â€Å"electronic business†basically encompasses any use of technology to provide support to a business. On the other hand, e-commerce generally covers the technological aspects that aid in producing revenue either by directly selling goods to customers or by allowing a company, such as Smucker’s, to do business with other related companies within the food industry, for example. The company’s Web site types consist of business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). SJM has a click-and-mortar strategy whereby the majority of its products sell at physical locations such as grocery stores with its B2C Web site following a traditional sales model where consumers are able to buy products directly from its Web site. Consumers may choose to view the Smucker’s U.S., Canada, or Mexico Web site. The Canada Web site allows the consumer to choose English or French as the displayed language and has a link connecting to the U.S. Website. The Mexico Website uses only Spanish for its language and has a different slogan than the other two, â€Å"Tu vida es mà ¡s rica con Smucker’s.†The slogan translates as, â€Å"Your life is more rich with Smucker’s†or â€Å"Your life is richer with Smucker’s.†However, the U.S. Web site contains a greater amount of information, product choices, and Web pages compared to the Canadian and Mexican versions. A stakeholder can gain much knowledge about the J.M. Smucker Company simply by examining its Web site. The Web site consists of six main pages titled Products, Recipes, Sensibly Sweet, What’s New, Our Company, and Shop Smucker’s. Within each Web page are additional pages and links. For example, the Sensibly Sweet Web page was designed with the health conscientious in mind and provides information about SJM’s reduced sugar and sugar free products with links that give tips on how to eat better and exercise. People merely wanting to learn about Smucker’s may click on the Our Company tab that supplies another list to choose from, including the history of the company, a list of its family brands, newsroom, and investor relations. Shareholders The Smucker’s Web site is one way technology has provided for stakeholders as well as shareholders to communicate with and attain information about the company. Shareholders may want to click on the Investor Relations tab that redirects a user to the Smucker’s Investors Web site that reports current stock information, financial news releases, analyst coverage, and a list of shareholder services to name a few. Furthermore, the site offers answers to frequently asked questions and provides a list of contacts for those who would like supplementary information. Lastly, investors may review SJM’s latest financial results, quarterly and annually, in comprehensive, detailed reports or Webcast presentations (another use of today’s technology) that explain future strategies and goals of the company.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Initial Proposal Billing System Gemaima C. Maglasang Eliza M. Oliverio Melody Sinas 1. Introduction With the power of technology nowadays, people get interested with computers. They tried to indulge themselves on it to have a productive result in a more efficient and time saving process. However some of them are still using manual system. In this regard, we acknowledge the value of computerized system. As of todays generation, there are business existing. One of which is Cuadro Square Builders Inc. It is located at brgy. Cataman high-way Manabay,ozamiz City and managed by Granville Young Te.Cuadro Square Builders Inc. started their operation of their business on 2011. As we interviewed their manager he said that they have a running system but it was not maintain by their IT representative, it was currupt and lost their files. After six months they decided to use the manual billing. So we offer them our planning system to facilitate their work. And avoid losing documents. 2. Objective s Records of available products and maintain description of new products. Saves customer details and new entered category of products. Provides economic/financial reports to the owner monthly or weekly and yearly.Provides a convenient solution of billing pattern. Make an easy to use environment for user. Simplifies the task and reduces the paper work. 3. System Features Helps the user to fill up easy Easy to save and locate files 4. Methodology We choose to use Waterfall diagram in our project and in our documentation because it is simple and easy to understand. Phases are processed and completed one at a time. We decided to use the VB. Net as our programming language. 5. Schedule Activity No. of days Remarks Planning 7 xays Analyzing 10 days Designing 30 days System Coding 50 days Implementation 5 days
Friday, November 8, 2019
An Online MBA During Trying Times Essays
An Online MBA During Trying Times Essays An Online MBA During Trying Times Essay An Online MBA During Trying Times Essay The rhythm of life ebbs and flows; the most we can sincerely count on is the fact that nothing will ever remain the same for too long. While we all surely wish that we could live a life that is predominately smooth and enjoyable, we recognize that we are going to face trying times here and there throughout our lives. Often, the only way that we can see our way clear to finding our way out of turmoil is to be proactive and aggressively seek out those things that will help us find ourselves again. There is a particular time in our lives during which we may feel exceptionally unfulfilled with where we are and what we have accomplished; a feeling of overall dissatisfaction and the general malaise that come with feeling there is little time or options to change that which has already been done. Some people refer to this time as a â€Å"mid life crisis†but the fact is that such feelings can come at any age. For those of us who may be particularly dissatisfied with our careers, we may consider this the time to pursue a higher education so as to further our opportunities in the industry of our choosing and perhaps change the course of our lives. But while this may be the desire, the reality is that with a job already in place, and other responsibilities holding our attention, it is challenging at best to fit more schooling into the equation. Subsequently, this may be the time to pursue an online degree such as an online MBA. Many people pursuing a higher education often look to the MBA – a powerful degree that can open many career doors. But with life being as harried as it often is – and in the midst of an already emotional time – most people would find the prospect of traveling to and from campus unthinkable. An online MBA allows students to earn the degree from the comfort of their homes – and within the timeframe that is convenient for them; which means the work required to earn an online degree can be done at night, in the mornings, on weekends, or whenever is best suited for the student.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The eNotes Blog Five Shakespeare Lines Youll Want to (Surprisingly) Avoid This Valentines Day
Five Shakespeare Lines Youll Want to (Surprisingly) Avoid This Valentines Day Dusting off your Shakespeare for Valentine’s Day sounds like a great idea. The Bard’s famous words are tried and tested - they’ve been working for four hundred years. But are you sure you know what they mean? And are you sure that’s what you want to say? 1. O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Juliet has just returned to her room after the best dance of her life, she’s standing on a balcony gazing out into the night, and she misses Romeo already. It would make sense if she were wondering where her prince was wandering. Only she’s not. Wherefore isn’t an old-timey way of saying where. It’s the old-timey way of saying why. Big difference. Juliet wants to know why her Romeo has to be Romeo Montague, sworn enemy of her family, instead of Romeo Smith, handsome guy who showed up at the neighborhood party with no strings attached. In retrospect it might have been better if she’d asked where, though. If she’d known he was hiding under the balcony, she might not have said all those embarrassing private thoughts out loud. 2. If music be the food of love, play on†¦  No, don’t! At least, not yet. This quote from Twelfth Night sounds a little different in context: If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die. The speaker, Duke Orsino, is desperately in love with the uninterested Lady Olivia, and hopes that music will actually kill his attraction to her if he hears enough of it. Not exactly a compliment to the object of your affections. Also, you’ve picked a dummy to quote. At this point in the play Orsino is still making everyone around him feel a bit sick with all his sighing and moping about- and he’s going to realize at the end that he’s in love with someone else! This quote isn’t what you want to prove your undying devotion. 3. Star-crossed lovers Given that Romeo and Juliet are the archetypal â€Å"star-crossed lovers,†it’s easy to understand how some came to interpret the phrase to mean fated, destined, meant to be. As in, â€Å"John and I are so compatible! We’re like star-crossed lovers!† No, you’re not. Or at least, you’d better hope you’re not, because then things aren’t going to work out for you very well. Romeo and Juliet weren’t â€Å"star-crossed†in the sense that they were bound to fall in love. They’re star-crossed because the astrological signs that determine their futures are not lining up. Fate is not a fan. You’re in serious trouble. 4. Sonnet 20 A womans face with Natures own hand painted Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion If you’ve quoted Sonnet 20, you’ve just called the object of your affections both beautiful and loyal. Winning combo. Great stuff. She’ll be charmed. Not quite (if she knows her Shakespeare, at any rate). The problem is that the poem you’ve just read her was most likely written about a man, and if she’s paying attention, there are some things that might tip her off. For one, you’ve called her a â€Å"man in hue.†You’ve also told her that nature started out intending to make her a woman, but changed her mind and added one thing. 5. Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Probably not. Even if the object of your affections is willing to overlook the fact that you seem to have gone for the first love poem that popped into your head, you still have to consider the fact that some readers think this poem is more about itself than your beloved. You’re declaring that beauty fades over time (â€Å"And every fair from fair sometime declines†), but that it’s okay. Even if your love ends up old and ugly, this poem will still be gorgeous. And immortal. Hark! Are there any we missed?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
M7 discusion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
M7 discusion - Assignment Example The row totals and the column totals in a two-way table give the marginal distributions of the two variables separately. There are two marginal distributions in a two-way table and each marginal distribution from a two-way table is a distribution for a single categorical variable. The conditional distribution of the row variable for one specific value of the column variable is each entry in the column as a percent of the column total. The conditional distribution of the column variable for one specific value of the row variable is each entry in the row as a percent of the row total. The complete conditional distribution gives the proportions or percents for all possible values of the conditioning variable. The conditional distribution reveals the nature of association between two categorical variables. The chi-square statistic (denoted by Ç2) measures the relative difference between expected and observed frequencies (cell counts). It is a measure of how much the observed cell counts in a two-way table diverge from the expected cell counts. The Chi-square statistic is computed by first taking the difference between each observed count and its corresponding expected count, and Taking Square of these values, than dividing each squared difference by the expected count, and finally taking sum of all the values. The chi-square is appropriate to use when the variables are simple random samples (SRSs), measured on categorical level and the average expected cell count is 5 or greater and all individual expected counts are 1 or greater, except in the case of 2 Ãâ€" 2 tables. All four expected counts in a 2 Ãâ€" 2 table should be 5 or greater. The two models for using a chi square test are ‘Comparing several populations: the first model’ and ‘Test independence: the second model’. In the first model, independent SRSs are drawn
Friday, November 1, 2019
Video Review on Showdown with Iran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Video Review on Showdown with Iran - Essay Example The US has been pushing them ahead to establish democracy in the country. But once the US leaves Iraq, Iran may attempt to step into Iraq and take over the country. Iran does not want Iraq to gain power; they are pleased to see Iraq as a powerless nation and a neighbor in the form of puppet which will dance to their tunes. And even the toppling of Saddam has helped in regaining the power of shia’s in Iraq and many religious leaders have moved to Iraq from Iran. This is also a very good benefit for Iran in bringing more favorable situation against them. Because of this the links and relationship between the two countries are also improving. Iran also has an aim of maximizing their alliance with Iraq Shiite factions. Iran is definitely not in favor of the Sunni in the Iraq and is anonymously giving support by money, arms and ammunition to the Shiite elements in Iraq. Iran also has a will in dominating the oil rich country Iraq, and getting economic and commercial success. Teheran’s interest to influence conflicts in Iraq is motivated by various strategic factors, as well as religious and cultural interests. The main factor is that the history of the two countries has been characterized by a near constant state of political-military conflict and rivalry. Iran is aiming for a complete Islamist rule in Iraq and US in the process of installing democracy in Iraq have destabilized the previous regime of the country which has proved to be in favor of Iranian interest. Iran has a big role in creating conflict in Iraq as they provide very much assistance to shite extremist by funding them with finance and weapons. There had been a good flow of weapons in to Iraq through Iran and they also give support to terrorism elements in Iraq. There are in a way waging war in Iraq with the help of Shiite extremists and destabilizing the country.
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